New Local Plan - Issues & Options (Regulation 18)

Ended on the 27 February 2024
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28. Tourism

28.1 As part of a prosperous rural economy, the NPPF supports sustainable rural tourism and leisure developments which respect the character of the countryside. Building on the District's strengths, one of the aims of the Council's Corporate Strategy is to increase tourism through the showcasing of the District's culture and heritage. This aspiration will be reflected in the upcoming refresh of the Council's Economic Development Strategy.

28.2 Tourism and the visitor economy is seen as a significant and growing sector across Leicester and Leicestershire in the LLEP Economic Growth Strategy 2021-2030 (2021). Its potential is reflected in the Leicester and Leicestershire Tourism Growth Plan which is a 5 year plan for further growth in the tourism sector with the aspiration for the county to become a leading leisure and business tourism destination. More locally, the Visit Harborough website focuses on promoting the District's attractions including market towns, villages, heritage, shopping, eating places and accommodation options to encourage visitors to the area.

28.3 The Council will consider how the new Local Plan can support a sustainable tourism economy and promote growth in visitor numbers. Policies to support the enhancement of tourist attractions and the development of new visitor accommodation in appropriate locations will be considered. In doing so the District's main attractions may be identified alongside specific supporting policies. Also work will need to establish the unique selling points and qualities of the District and how policy can support them most appropriately. We will take into account the Council's Economic Development Strategy and other relevant evidence in developing our policy approach.

28.4 Growth in tourism, the hospitality sector and the visitor economy are dependent on many aspects of policy. Tourism opportunities and visitor numbers are intrinsically linked with District's cultural and leisure facilities, heritage assets, rural character and its distinctive towns and villages. Policies will need to strike a balance between promoting tourism and protecting the character and qualities of the District. Potential impacts on the historic and natural environment, local landscape and residential amenity will need to be considered. Similarly healthy and vibrant town centres with a balance of uses (e.g. shops, cafes, restaurants, leisure activities, parks and open spaces) attract visitors. Therefore, policy to support town centres and an appropriate balance of uses will be important in supporting tourism and visitor activity.


Question 58: Do you agree that the new Local Plan should encourage tourism and the growth in visitor numbers?

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