New Local Plan - Issues & Options (Regulation 18)
14. Water Supply and Wastewater Management
14.1 National planning policy makes it clear that strategic policies, as well as setting out an overall strategy for the pattern, scale and design quality of places, should make sufficient provision for infrastructure including water supply and wastewater.
14.2 Harborough District lies within the Severn Trent Water and Anglian Water areas, both classified as areas of serious water stress, meaning that more water is taken from the environment than the environment can sustain in the long term. Alongside this, new development will have an impact on the wastewater facilities which needs to be considered. To understand more fully the issues around water resources/supply and wastewater network/treatment, a Joint Water Cycle Study Scoping Report is being prepared with Blaby District Council, Oadby & Wigston Borough Council and Hinckley & Bosworth Council. Engaging with key partners such as the EA, LLFA and the water companies (Severn Trent, Anglian Water), the study will look at:
- whether there is enough water resource available to serve the total amount of growth
- whether the water can get to where it is needed
- sewage treatment works likely to be impacted by development and their capacity to accommodate growth
- water quality and environmental impact.
14.3 The findings will feed into the selection of an appropriate spatial strategy and the site selection process. It will be the start of a dialogue with the water infrastructure providers and inform policy preparation relating to water supply and wastewater infrastructure to support new development.
14.4 Other aspects of the water environment to be covered in policy include:
- the quality of water courses
- the protection of ground water quality (Source Protection Zones)
- the removal of any contamination on development sites that could have an impact on the water environment
- prevention of adverse impact on water environment and its enhancement wherever possible.
Water Supply and Wastewater Management