New Local Plan - Issues & Options (Regulation 18)
7. Small and Medium Housing Sites Requirement
7.1 National planning policy requires us to identify sufficient land to accommodate at least 10% of the Local Plan housing requirement on sites no larger than one hectare unless it can be shown there are strong reasons why this cannot be achieved.
7.2 As of 1 April 2023, there were 275 homes already committed or allocated in Neighbourhood Plans on sites of one hectare or less. There are 53 sites in the SHELAA of one hectare or less with the potential to provide about 700 dwellings. However, not all of these sites may be appropriate for development.
7.3 We may need to consider opportunities to find smaller sites to provide housing but they must be in sustainable locations. One potential option is to sub-divide larger sites to allow for small and medium-sized housebuilders to provide diversity in the housing market.
Small and Medium Housing Sites Requirement