New Local Plan - Issues & Options (Regulation 18)

Ended on the 27 February 2024

Health and Well-being Policies

17. Healthy communities

17.1 In accordance with the NPPF local planning authorities are expected to prepare planning policies aimed at achieving healthy, inclusive and safe places which enable and support healthy lifestyles.

17.2 The NPPF states that access to a network of high-quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and physical activity is important for the health and well-being of communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has also elevated the importance of the health and well-being of our communities when planning for the future.

17.3 The adopted Local Plan currently incorporates health into a range of different topics such as green infrastructure, open space and design.

17.4 In order to consider how to promote healthy lifestyle and improve the well-being of communities we firstly need to consider the social and demographic profile of the District. The Census 2021 contains a lot of information about the District including data about the health of its residents which is summarised as follows:

17.5 Harborough's population profile:


  • Aged 15 years and under: 17.6%
  • Aged 16 to 64 years: 60.4%
  • Aged 65 years and over: 22%

Life Expectancy

  • Female life expectancy: 84.7 years (above England average of 82.8 years)
  • Male life expectancy: 80.7 years (above England average of 78.7 years)

General Health

  • Very good health: 52.8%
  • Good health: 33.1%
  • Fair health: 10.6%
  • Bad health: 2.7 %
  • Very bad health: 0.7%

17.6 As part of the current evidence gathering process Harborough will work closely with the other Leicestershire authorities and other relevant stakeholders to prepare a Health Impact Assessment to support the preparation of policies for the Local Plan.

17.7 At this stage in the plan preparation process we would like to hear your views regarding what you consider to be the best approach to incorporate health and well-being into the new Local Plan.

17.8 Currently we have identified two options:

  1. Continue with the current approach of incorporating health and well-being with the other themes and issues explored in the Local Plan, such green infrastructure, open space and design codes.
  2. Based upon evidence create a specific planning policy that encourages healthy lifestyles and improves the well-being of the communities in the District.

Healthy Communities

Question 36: Which of the above options do you think should be pursued? Are there any other options?

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