New Local Plan - Issues & Options (Regulation 18)
23. Older Person and Specialist Housing
23.1 The NPPF makes clear that local planning authorities should seek to address the needs of different groups with specific housing requirements in their communities, including older people and those with disabilities.
23.2 The HENA analysis shows that 20.5% of the population across Leicestershire is aged 65+ and that the population aged 65+ is expected to grow by 80,200 persons to 2041. Currently 31% of households across Leicestershire have a long-term health problem or disability, and the number of households with support and care needs is expected to rise over time, driven by demographic changes and a growing older population. The HENA models the needs of households with specialist housing needs. The needs for additional housing units with care are focussed on market housing, with a smaller need for affordable housing units with care as set out in the table below.
Shortfall/surplus by 2041 |
Need |
Housing with support (Market) |
893 |
Housing with support (Affordable) |
127 |
Total housing with support |
1021 |
Housing with care (Market) |
428 |
Housing with care (Affordable) |
119 |
Total housing with care |
547 |
Residential care bedspaces |
273 |
Nursing care bedspaces |
391 |
Total bedspaces |
663 |
Table 19 Table showing specialist housing needs for older people from 2020-2041
Older Person and Specialist Housing
Question 46: Should the plan make specific site allocations for specialist housing or require a proportion on sites over a specified size threshold?
23.3 The HENA report also identifies a housing need for Harborough for around 971 wheelchair users up to 2041. Together with the expected growth in residents with mobility problems, as set out in the HENA, this would suggest that there is a clear need to increase the supply of accessible and adaptable dwellings and wheelchair user dwellings. The HENA suggests requiring all dwellings meet the M4(2) standard (accessible and adaptable dwellings) and 10%-25% of homes meet M4(3) standard (wheelchair user dwellings) where it is feasible to do so, with a higher proportion in the affordable than market sector.
Accessible and Adaptable and Wheelchair User Dwellings