New Local Plan - Issues & Options (Regulation 18)

Ended on the 27 February 2024
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19. Open Space, Sport and Recreation

19.1 The NPPF considers open space to include all open space of public value that can take many forms, from formal sports pitches to open areas within a development, linear corridors and country parks. Open spaces can make a positive contribution towards creating a sense of place, improving biodiversity and mitigating climate change. Also, improving access and connections between open spaces to create a green infrastructure network provides important opportunities for sport, recreation and physical activity that improve the health and well-being of communities.

19.2 An up-to-date assessment of the need for open space, sports and recreation facilities is required to inform the preparation of planning policies for the Local Plan, so the Council has updated the Open Spaces Strategy (2021). This study identifies the different typologies of open space within the District and assesses the quantity, accessibility, quality and value of open spaces up to 2036. The implementation of this strategy is discussed in the Provision for Open Space Sport and Recreation Delivery Plan 2021.

19.3 Other recently completed studies include:

19.4 The information collected from these assessments and studies identify the amount and type of open space, sport and recreational provision that is required in the future within the District. Based upon these findings recommendations and standards for development have been suggested in the studies.

19.5 The adopted Local Plan sets standards for open space, sport and recreation requirements for development based on evidence from previous studies. It is proposed that the information and recommendations from the recent studies will inform the planning policy formulation on open space, sport and recreation in the new Local Plan.

Open Space, Sport and Recreation

Question 39: Based upon this updated evidence do you think we should continue with the similar approach set out in the adopted Local Plan and set standards in planning policies for open space, sport and recreation?

Question 40: Is there an alternative approach that you consider to be more appropriate for open space, sport and recreation?

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