Planning Obligations SPD 2021

Ended on the 17 December 2021


14.1 Local Plan Policy IN1 Infrastructure provision seeks direct provision and/or financial contributions for infrastructure. Local Plan allocations, for example L1 – East of Lutterworth Strategic Development Area (SDA) and SC1 Scraptoft North Strategic Development Area include specific requirements to provide sites or contributions for education. Policy IN2 – Sustainable Transport requires development proposals to have regard to the transport policies of the Local Transport Authority. These are County Council functions and therefore as a local planning authority in its own right it is legally able enter into and enforce S106 obligations. The County Council will assess its infrastructure needs and make CIL Regulation tests compliant requests for S106 developer contributions in relation to the following services

  • Adult social care and health;
  • Civic amenity/waste management;
  • Education;
  • Economic growth;
  • Highways & transportation;
  • Library service;
  • Sports and recreation;
  • Community safety; and
  • Public health.

14.2 The Leicestershire Planning Obligations Policy was adopted by the County Council in July 2019 to set out the County Council's approach to planning obligations. The document explains the level and type of infrastructure which would be expected to address the impacts of development in order to make it acceptable in planning terms and sets out the standard requirements the County Council may seek in order to mitigate the impacts of new development.

14.3 Enquiries about the County Council planning obligations can be directed to their planning obligations team by email


The SPD re-consultation seeks your view on the changes that have been made to the SPD to reflect changes to government policy and comments received during the previous Planning Obligations SPD consultation.

(5) Q15. Do you have any further comments to make on these changes? Yes/No. Please explain your answer.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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