Planning Obligations SPD 2021

Ended on the 17 December 2021
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7.1 Local Plan Policy GI2 Open space, sport and recreation seeks to safeguard and enhance open space, sport and recreational facilities and to require direct provision of new high quality open space, sport and recreation facilities on new residential sites and/or seek contributions from smaller sites, where appropriate.

7.2 The Harborough Open Space Strategy (HOSS) 2021 explains how the Council manages and secures the future of open spaces in its ownership and how it will work in partnership with others to enable new open space to come forward in the future. The HOSS seeks to enhance and protect existing opens space and to enable new open space provision.

Paragraph 9.3.5 in the adopted Local Plan indicates that these standards may be reviewed in subsequent iterations of the Open Space Strategy itself.

7.3 As set out in Local Plan Policy GI2 (paragraph 9.3.5) the level of contributions will be periodically reviewed to ensure that they are accurate and will be calculated for each development from a detailed assessment of the range of existing open space in the area. Generally contributions towards open space typologies would be required where there would be a capacity issue or an under-supply or quality issue.

7.4 A commuted sum will normally be requested to ensure arrangements for the maintenance of the facilities is secured in accordance with the Open Spaces Strategy should the Council decide to take ownership of a site. It should not be assumed that open space will be adopted by the local authority. Each case will be considered individually. They may be managed by a management company (MANCO) or a Parish Council.

Where provision is not appropriate on site, a contribution based on the cost of provision elsewhere will be made.

7.5 Provision of outdoor open space, sport and recreation facilities will be considered in all applications for new homes where there is a net increase of 11 residential units or more, in accordance Local Plan Policy GI2.

7.6 Contributions required for outdoor sports will be calculated in accordance with the adopted Harborough District Playing Pitches Strategy 2018 (HPPS). The HPPS determines the supply and demand for playing pitches and ancillary buildings such as changing rooms. The HPPS includes the sports of cricket, football, rugby union, rounders, tennis and outdoor bowls and meets the Sports England requirements for a strategy of this kind. The aims, objectives and delivery plan of the HPPS including any subsequent iterations form the basis of policy for assessing the requirement for sports pitch provision.


The SPD has been updated to include further explanation of the evidence base to support Section 106 requests in relation to Open Space, Sport and Recreation.

(5)Q11. Does this additional information provide clear guidance on this issue?  Yes/No. Please explain your answer.


7.7 Local Plan Policy GI3 – Cemeteries will ensure sufficient burial provision continues to be provided in the District. The Harborough Cemeteries and Burial Strategy 2016 (HCBS) identifies the existing capacity for burials/cremation ashes, along with future requirements. The study was completed on a site-by-site basis to establish where there is a shortfall in capacity and where there is sufficient capacity. The HCBS informs the Local Plan with regard to the impact of new development on future cemetery and burial provision. It supports the case for requesting planning obligations towards burial provision.

For further information on planning obligations for open space, sport and recreation, and cemeteries please contact: -

Neighbourhood Planning and Open Space Officer Harborough District Council Tel: 01858 828282.

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