Planning Obligations SPD 2021

Ended on the 17 December 2021


12.1 Local Plan Policy CC4 – Sustainable drainage seeks contributions from all major developments to incorporate sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).

12.2 The principle of SuDS is to slow the flow of water from a site retaining rainfall in the various SuDS facilities across a site. A SuDS should be designed with the hydrology of the site. Minor develops should address the opportunity for SuDS in the design and access statement accompanying a planning application.

12.3 Leicestershire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and will be consulted on planning applications as the statutory consultee for SuDS schemes in Harborough District.

12.4 The County Council will provide advice to the District Council as Local Planning Authority (LPA). The County Council will prepare appropriate planning conditions in its role as Lead Local Flood Authority for the LPA to attach to planning permissions. Planning obligations will be necessary to ensure delivery of the drainage systems if delivered off- site.

12.5 The District Council will ensure planning conditions are in place and can be legally upheld for ongoing maintenance, inspection, implementation and enforcement of sustainable urban drainage systems, where appropriate.

12.6 Current industry best practice standard is SuDS (C753 The SuDs Manual CIRIA) makes it clear that SuDS should manage water quantity (slow the flow), Water Quality (remove contaminants) , Biodiversity (create opportunities for plants and animals to thrive) and Amenity (create areas that can be utilised by people for enjoyment).

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