Planning Obligations SPD 2021

Ended on the 17 December 2021


10.1 Local Plan Policy SC1-Scraptoft North Strategic Development Area and Local Plan Policy L1 – East of Lutterworth Strategic Development Area sets out requirement for facilities for recycling and waste collection including concealed bin storage.

10.2 Effective household waste management is important in developing sustainable communities to ensure that waste production is reduced and recycling is increased.

10.3 As a waste collection authority, Harborough District Council is responsible for the collection of household waste. Residential waste is currently collected in two wheeled bins. One for dry recycling (glass, paper, cardboard newspaper etc.) and the other for residual waste. The Council also offers a paid for garden waste collection.

10.4 Local Plan Policy IN1 – Infrastructure provision seeks contributions for infrastructure including social and physical infrastructure. One of the demands on a growing community is the need to be able to deal with household waste management and in major developments of 10 or more dwellings the Council will seek and encourage developers to provide appropriate contributions to provide suitable facilities for recycling and waste collection for example wheelie bins. Where a development would produce extra demand on local waste management beyond the capacity of existing provision, planning obligations may be sought to meet the needs arising to make the development acceptable.


The SPD has been updated to include further explanation of the evidence base to support Section 106 requests for household waste and recycling receptacles.

(2) Q12. Does this additional information provide clear guidance on this issue? Yes/No.  Please explain your answer.

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