Planning Obligations SPD 2021

Ended on the 17 December 2021


13.1 Local Plan Policy IN3 – Electronic Connectivity requires major developments only to be permitted where adequate broadband infrastructure is to be made available to all residents and/or users of the development. The policy states that major developments should incorporate a bespoke duct network designed and implemented in association with a recognised network provider and where viable a fibre to the premises (FTTP) solution.

13.2 Therefore developers should take active steps to incorporate superfast broadband, ideally an FTTP solution, wherever possible. In all cases developers should engage with telecoms providers as early as possible (at the pre-planning phase) to ensure that broadband connectivity will be available to residents as soon as the homes are occupied.


The SPD has been updated to encourage early engagement about broadband connectivity to ensure provision of services as early as possible.

(3) Q14. Does this information provide the appropriate level of guidance on this issue? Yes/No. Please explain your answer.

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