
Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 7386

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

With particular reference to bringing forward strategic development areas of East Lutterworth and Scraptoft (policy SC1) with regard to Active design - Sport England, in conjunction with Public Health England, has produced 'Active Design' (October 2015), a guide to planning new developments that create the right environment to help people get more active, more often in the interests of health and wellbeing.

Full text:

Vision and objectives: Support
promote healthy and safe lifestyles.

- There will be better access to the countryside and an improved range
of open spaces for local people to enjoy
- increased provision for walking and cycling, and improved access to public transport for new development will have contributed to a reduction in the District's carbon footprint.
- Communities will have access to improved social, recreational, sports, health and
educational facilities.

Key Issue - growth in the economy and Objective 2. Employment:
Sport England would advise of our economic value of sport toolkit
and more generally

Objective 4 Infrastructure: Support

Objective 9 Design: Support. With particular reference to bringing forward strategic development areas of East Lutterworth and Scraptoft (policy SC1) with regard to
Active design - Sport England, in conjunction with Public Health England, has produced 'Active Design' (October 2015), a guide to planning new developments that create the right environment to help people get more active, more often in the interests of health and wellbeing. The guidance sets out ten key principles for ensuring new developments incorporate opportunities for people to take part in sport and physical activity. The Active Design principles are aimed at contributing towards the Government's desire for the planning system to promote healthy communities through good urban design. Sport England would commend the use of the guidance in the master planning process for new residential developments. The document can be downloaded via the following link:

Support Policy GD3 - b. outdoor sport and recreation and associated buildings

Support GD7 2a. permitting development if it relates to outdoor leisure, sporting or recreation facilities including school playing fields, cycleways, footpaths or bridleways;.

Support policy GD8 - Design which in explanation refers to our guidance on active design. We would ask if the use of active design would be made stronger by reference in the policy. (also covered in policy IN2) also should be referenced in SC1, MH1, MH2 and LH1

Support in principle Policy HC2 - Evidence who demonstrates that a facility is no longer required. We are unsure what evidence is available to understand the demand, supply and needs for built sports facilities. This is even more relevant with regard to policy IN1.

G12 this policy is supported in principle particularly around the use of the emerging Playing Pitch Strategy 2017 which details not only the provision requirements but also quality improvements which could meet the demands generated by development. (please see attached) We are concerned with regard to the reference to and accessibility standard 4km or 10mins drive/bus this is not appropriate in all circumstances and not for all sports. The catchment for football is different to that for cricket and other sports. The emerging playing pitch strategy will provide more information on this aspect. The playing pitch strategy should also be the evidence needed for the robust assessment referred under G12.2.a. with regard to playing fields.

It is not clear if the plan fully details with the needs for new or replacement built sports facilities particularly sports halls and swimming pools (leisure centres) having regard to Para 70 of NPPF and the requirement to plan positively