Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

Ended on the 17 November 2017

(7) Harborough Local Plan 2011 - 2031 Proposed SubmissionHow to comment on this Document

Harborough Local Plan

This document is the Proposed Submission Local Plan, sometimes referred to as the pre-submission draft. It is the version of the Local Plan that the Council proposes to submit for Examination.

You can view the PDF version of this online document by clicking here.

This document and associated Policies Map is published in order to allow representations to be made on their soundness.

Policies Map

The Policies Map referred to in specific policies in this document can be viewed at: https://harborough.opus4.co.uk/planning/localplan/maps/policiesmap.

Sustainability Appraisal

The Local Plan preparation has been informed by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Opinion. You can view and comment on these documents at http://harborough.jdi-consult.net/ldp/

Making your representations

Your representations on this consultation will be considered by an independent Inspector appointed to examine the Harborough Local Plan. To comply with Government guidance, and to help ensure that representations are submitted in a format that the Inspector can readily use, your representations on the Local Plan must do the following:

  • state whether the document (or the relevant part of it) is considered sound or unsound;
  • if unsound, include an explanation as to how it can be amended to make it sound; and
  • identify the 'test of soundness' or legal requirement (including meeting the Duty to Cooperate) to which the representation relates.

To be considered 'sound' a Local Plan must be:

Positively prepared – the plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements, including, where they arise, potentially making an appropriate contribution towards meeting unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities;

Justified – the plan should be the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;

Effective – the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and

Consistent with national policy – the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

You are encouraged to use the online consultation system to make representations on the Local Plan, SA and HRA Screening Opinion at http://harborough.jdi-consult.net/ldp/. This will ensure your representations are accurately logged and easily submitted to the Inspector.

If you cannot make your representation via the online portal you can obtain representation forms for the Local Plan, SA and HRA Screening Opinion by contacting the Strategic Planning Team on Tel: 01858 821160 or email: planningpolicy@harborough.gov.uk. Completed representation forms must be returned electronically to localplan@harborough.gov.uk or by post to: Strategic Planning Team, Harborough District Council, The Symington Building, Adam and Eve Street, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7AG.

All representations must be submitted via the online consultation portal or the representation form.

This consultation will be open between Friday 22nd September, 2017 and Friday 3rd November, 2017. Representations received after 5pm on Friday 3rd November, 2017 will not be considered.

What happens next?

All duly made representations will be summarised and considered. The Council may suggest minor modifications to the Local Plan be made at this stage, for instance to update, improve accuracy or correct typographical errors. If there is a need to make significant changes, these will be dealt with in accordance with guidance from the Planning Inspectorate.

The Plan (and any addendum if required), together with all duly made representations and summary of the key issues raised, will then be submitted for independent examination by a Planning Inspector, who will examine the 'soundness' of the Plan on behalf of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.

During the examination, the Inspector will assess whether the Local Plan meets the relevant legal requirements, complies with the Duty to Cooperate, and is sound. The examination will include hearing sessions on matters identified by the appointed Inspector at which attendance is at the invitation of the Inspector.

After the hearing, the Inspector may recommend major modifications to the Local Plan. The Council will consult on these and the Inspector will take the responses to that consultation into account before finalising their report, setting out findings and recommendations.

If the Inspector finds the Plan to be sound and legally compliant, with or without modifications, the Council may proceed to adopt the Plan.

The key stages of plan preparation are set out in Fig.1 on the next page.


Fig. 1 Stages of local plan preparation

Further information

You can visit the Council's Planning Strategy web page at http://www.harborough.gov.uk/info/20004/planning_strategy to find out further details, including where to view or download the Local Plan document and Policies Map, the SA, HRA Screening Opinion, and evidence documents that have informed the preparation of the Local Plan. Information about public engagement events is also available.

If you require further information or advice please contact the Strategic Planning Team on Tel: 01858 821160 or email: planningpolicy@harborough.gov.uk

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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