
Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6976

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Family Carr

Agent: Andrew Granger & Co

Representation Summary:

In respect of Policy GD1: Achieving Sustainable Development, we strongly support the inclusion of this Policy within the Harborough Local Plan in line with Paragraph 14 of the NPPF. We are encouraged by the Council's desire to positively consider proposals that contribute to the sustainable development of the District.

Full text:

Comments on the Harborough Local Plan Submission Draft

4.1. On behalf of the Carr Family we wish to make the following observations on the
Harborough Local Plan Proposed Submission Draft Consultation.

4.2. We support the proposed spatial strategy for growth set out in Policy SS1: Spatial Strategy. The NPPF and the Draft Local Plan are underpinned by a 'presumption in favour of sustainable development'. It is therefore considered rational to direct development towards locations that are within close proximity of a wide range of employment opportunities and local services and facilities. As outlined above, we consider Great Glen to be a sustainable location with a wide range of services and facilities, and as such we consider to be appropriately identified as a Rural Centre, where development is expected to meet the needs of the settlement and the surrounding area. As such, we propose the formal allocation of Land off London Road, Great Glen for residential development to assist in meeting these needs.

4.3. In respect of Policy GD1: Achieving Sustainable Development, we strongly support the inclusion of this Policy within the Harborough Local Plan in line with Paragraph 14 of the NPPF. We are encouraged by the Council's desire to positively consider proposals that contribute to the sustainable development of the District.

4.4. We support the requirement for new development to be sensitive to the landscape setting and the settlement's distinctiveness, as outlined in Policy GD5: Landscape and Townscape Character. Any development at Land off London Road, Great Glen would be positively prepared to ensure the provision of a high quality and inclusive development design. The scheme would seek to ensure that it respects the site's rural context and make a positive contribution to the local character.

4.5. We fully support the objectives of Policy GD8: Good Design in Development, good planning and good design are inseparable and we are pleased that this has been identified by this policy. As stated above, any development scheme at Land off London Road, Great Glen would be positively prepared to ensure a high quality and inclusive design. Any proposal would be designed to protect the residential amenity of existing properties located to the east and west of the site through the retention of the existing boundary hedgerow and enhancement with additional planting. Any development would seek to utilise materials that are complementary to the local vernacular to ensure that the development is well integrated into the local street scene.

4.6. With regards to Policy H1: Provision of New Housing, we fully support the recognition that the housing requirements outlined in this policy are a minimum and the level of flexibility that this element of the policy provides. We support the identification of Great Glen as an appropriate location to support residential development, however we consider that the village has the capacity to accommodate a greater quantum of development than the 35 dwelling minimum requirement proposed. As previously outlined, Great Glen has a wide range of key services and facilities, including a GP, a Primary School, Leicester Grammar
School, a Convenience Store and a Post Office. The village also benefits from good connectivity to higher order settlements such as Leicester, Oadby and Market Harborough and the services and employment opportunities available in these settlements. It is an attractive settlement where people want to live, and therefore we consider it to be an appropriate location for the delivery of a greater quantum of new homes. In this light, we are proposing the formal allocation of Land off London Road, Great Glen as a strategic residential development. As outlined above, we consider the site has the capacity for a first phase of up to 150 dwellings which will assist in the delivery of new homes to meet both the District's needs and any unmet needs arising from Oadby and Wigston Borough or Leicester City.

4.7. In respect of Policy H2: Affordable Housing, we support the requirement for residential developments of more than 10 dwellings to provide 40% of affordable housing on site. As previously stated, our clients have stated their willingness to meet this requirement, subject to the appropriate viability assessment.

4.8. We fully support the requirement of Policy H5: Housing Density, Mix and Standards for new development schemes to deliver a range of housing types and sizes. Any development at Land off London Road, Great Glen would deliver a mix of property types and sizes, including bungalows, terraced, semi-detached and detached dwellings ranging in size from 1 to 5 bedrooms.

4.9. In respect of Policy HC1: Built Heritage, we support the requirement to protect, conserve and enhance local heritage assets in line with Paragraph 134 of the NPPF. Where a proposal will result in less than substantial harm to a designated heritage asset, Paragraph 134 of the Framework requires this harm to be weighed against the public benefits of a development scheme.

4.10. It is considered that the proposed development of Land off London Road, Great Glen would result in a range of social, economic and environmental benefits which contribute to the provision of a sustainable development.

Social Benefits
Housing Provision: Great Glen is considered to be an appropriate location for residential development; development of the site would result in the delivery of a first phase of up to 150 dwellings, including a range of housing types and sizes, which would assist in the delivery of new homes in the District High Quality Design: The proposed development would be positively prepared to ensure a high quality and inclusive development design that would be informed by a number of technical reports, to ensure that it makes a positive contribution to the character of the

Economic Benefits
Affordable Housing Provision: The site has the capacity to deliver up to 40% affordable housing on site, which would include the provision of starter homes to enable young people to remain in the village.

Environmental Benefits
-Additional Tree Planting: Any development of the site would seek to retain the boundary trees and hedgerow that define the site and would also include extensive additional planting within the site.
-On site surface water attenuation: Any application for development on the site would be supported by a Drainage Strategy which outlines how surface water would be managed on the site. The strategy would detail the appropriate measures which will ensure the development of the site does not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere.

4.11. With regards to Policy CC3: Managing Flood Risk, we fully support the objectives of the policy in line with Paragraphs 14 and 100 of the NPPF. Given that the presumption in favour of sustainable development is the golden thread running through the national and local planning policy, it is logical that this translates into development being located in areas that are not at high risk of flooding, and that schemes do not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere. With reference to the Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning, the proposed development site is located within Flood Zone 1.

4.12. In respect of Policy IN1: Infrastructure Provision, we support the requirement for development proposals to make appropriate contributions to local infrastructure where necessary to support the proposal, in line with Paragraph 204 in the NPPF.
The clients are willing to enter into discussions with Harborough District Council in respect of planning obligations to be secured within a Section 106 Agreement.

5. Conclusion
5.1. We consider the proposed development site at Land off London Road, Great Glen has the capacity to accommodate a strategic residential development comprising a first phase of up to 150 dwellings with associated vehicular access, public open space, car parking, landscaping and drainage. Any development scheme would provide a mix of dwelling types and sizes, and would provide a proportion of affordable housing, subject to viability.

5.2. We fully support many of the objectives and policies contained within the Proposed Submission Draft of the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031. In particular, we support the identification of Great Glen as a Rural Centre, which is to accommodate development to meet the needs of the settlement and the surrounding area.

5.3. In light of this, we consider that the village has the capacity to accommodate a greater quantum of development than the 35 dwelling minimum requirement proposed in Policy H1: Provision of New Housing. Great Glen has a wide range of key services and facilities, and also benefits from good connectivity to higher order settlements such as Market Harborough, Oadby and Leicester, and the services and employment opportunities available in these settlements. It is an attractive place where people want to live and work, and therefore we consider it to be an appropriate location for the delivery of a greater quantum of new homes.

5.4. As such, we are proposing the formal allocation of Land off London Road, Great Glen for a strategic residential development to assist in the delivery of new homes to meet the District's needs and any unmet needs arising from Oadby and Wigston Borough and Leicester City.

5.5. Andrew Granger & Co. would like to remain involved throughout the preparation of the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031 and therefore request to be informed of any future consultation opportunities and when the document is submitted for Examination.