Development Management Local Validation List

Ended on the 5 February 2021
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7 Validation Requirements – Supporting Information (all relevant proposals).


Application type

What is needed

Statutory or policy background

Flood risk assessment (FRA)

Planning applications for development proposals of one hectare or greater in Flood Zone 1 and all development proposals located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 should be accompanied by a Flood Risk Assessment

The information provided in the flood risk assessment should be credible and fit for purpose. Site-specific flood risk assessments should always be proportionate to the degree of flood risk and make optimum use of information already available, including information in a strategic flood risk assessment for the area, and the interactive flood risk maps available at: .

A flood risk assessment should also be appropriate to the scale, nature and location of the development.

NPPF 155-165

Local Plan

Archaeological assessment

Proposals involving disturbance of ground within an area of archaeological potential

An archaeological desk top assessment to include a field evaluation report.


Local Plan

Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)

Major development

Details of the implementation, adaption, maintenance and management of a sustainable drainage system.

NPPF 155-165

Local Plan

Transport statement or transport assessment and travel plan

Major development

Full details of what the reports should contain and consider are given in the Leicestershire Highways Design Guide:

NPPF 108-111

Local Plan

Retail impact assessment

1,500sqm gross or over for Market Harborough

500sqm gross or over elsewhere in the District.

Assessment of impact on town centre vitality, see paragraph 89 of NPPF.


Local Plan

Tree survey/arboricultural statement and landscaping


If there are trees within the application site or on adjacent sites including street trees.

All applications that include external space must be accompanied by a detailed scheme for landscaping

Tree survey and arboricultural statement

You will need to provide information about:

  • Species, spread, roots and position of trees
  • Which trees you are proposing to fell, and which are to be retrained
  • Which trees will be affected in any way by the proposed development, and
  • The measures that will be used to protect them during construction.

Landscaping Scheme

Should not include trees to be removed within the plans and should clearly differentiate between retained existing trees and those proposed.

You must provide details of the planting of trees and/or shrubs, surface materials, boundary screen walls and fences.

The scheme should describe the:

  • Materials
  • Species
  • Tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities
  • Levels, gradients and any earthworks required
  • Proposed timing of the implementation of the scheme

NPPF 175

Local Plan

Landscape & Visual impact assessment

Major development having significant visual effects

Assessment to meet guidelines of the Landscape Institute and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment or similar standard.


Local Plan

Biodiversity survey and report/ecological survey/protected species survey and report

Proposals likely to affect species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, the Protection of Badgers Act 1992

The survey to an appropriate level of scope and detail and should:

  • Record which species are present and identify their numbers (may be approximate)
  • Map their distribution and use of the area, site, structure or feature (for example, for feeding, shelter and breeding).
  • Include mitigation strategies where needed.


Local Plan

Air quality assessment

Proposal that may have a significant impact on air quality, either directly or indirectly, including Air Quality Management Areas.

An air quality assessment to indicate the change in air quality resulting from the proposed development and any mitigation if needed.

NPPF 181

Local Plan

Contaminated land assessment

Proposals to re-develop or significantly change the use of a piece of land which could potentially be contaminated as a result of current or historic use.

Contaminated land survey.

NPPF 178-179

Local Plan


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