Development Management Local Validation List

Ended on the 5 February 2021

1 National Validation Requirements

National Requirement

Application type

What is needed

Statutory or Policy background

Application form



General Development Procedure Order

Agricultural holding certificate (Article 7)


Signed to either confirm if the land to which the application relates is not part of an agricultural holding; or if it is that you have notified any tenants.

General Development Procedure Order

Ownership certificate (A,B,C, or D as applicable)


Signed form.

General Development Procedure Order

Site location plan


A site location plan at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500 which identifies the site and the surrounding area and shows at least two roads and the north point.

The site should be outlined in red on all copies and any other land owned by the applicant in blue. It should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development (for example, land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, car parking and open areas around buildings).

General Development Procedure Order

Design and Access Statement

  • Applications for major development
  • Applications for development in a conservation area, where the proposed development consists of:
  • One or more dwellings; or
  • A building or buildings with a floor space of 100 square metres or more
  • Applications for listed building consent

Design and Access Statement must:

(a) Explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the proposed development; and

(b) Demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the proposed development, and how the design of the development takes that context into account.

A development's context refers to the particular characteristics of the application site and its wider setting. These will be specific to the circumstances of an individual application and a design and access statement should be tailored accordingly.

Design and access statements must also explain the applicant's approach to access and how relevant local plan policies have been taken into account. They must detail any consultation undertaken in relation to access issues, and how the outcome of this consultation has informed the proposed development. Applicants must also explain how any specific issues which might affect access to the proposed development have been addressed.

General Development Procedure Order.

Application fee


Payment required.

National regulations.


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