Statement of Community Involvement (Draft Sept 2019)
6: Neighbourhood Plans
6.1 Overview
6.1.1 Neighbourhood planning (NP) is a way for communities to help decide the future of the places where they live and work. Neighbourhood plans (also referred to as neighbourhood development plans) are written by communities in consultation with residents and other stakeholders to reflect the aspirations and needs of the community. Community consultation is a key part of the process and is looked at during the examination of the plan, once submitted. The responsibility for ensuring that adequate consultation takes place during the preparation of a neighbourhood plan lies with the neighbourhood plan group itself. This SCI does not set out how consultation for NP should be carried out. However, the Council can advise neighbourhood plan groups in relation to consultation.
6.2 Legislation / Regulations
6.2.1 Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Localism Act 2011 and further strengthen by the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017. Neighbourhood plans must be prepared in accordance with legislation as set out in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) and The Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
6.3 Main stages
6.3.1 Preparing a neighbourhood plan involves 5 key stages: defining the neighbourhood; creating the plan; independent check; community referendum; and legal force.
6.3.2 A neighbourhood plan becomes 'made' following an examination by an Independent Examiner and a referendum of the local community. Once 'made', the neighbourhood plan becomes part of the statutory Development Plan, alongside the Local Plan.
6.3.3 Further information about each of these stages and the processes involved, together with useful resources for neighbourhood planning, is available on the Council website; Stages of Neighbourhood Planning.
6.4 How we will support groups in their preparation
6.4.1 The preparation of neighbourhood plans is led by the community through either a parish / town council, or in non parished areas, an approved Neighbourhood Forum. The Council has a duty to support the preparation of neighbourhood plans in the district.
6.4.2 The Council recognises that the complexity of a neighbourhood plan can vary depending on the local requirements. Support provided to groups will be tailored to their needs, and subject to available resources. In all cases the Council will:
- Be proactive in providing information and data to communities about neighbourhood planning when required,
- Fulfil its duties and take decisions as soon as possible, and within statutory time periods where these apply,
- Set out a clear and transparent decision making timetable and share this with those wishing to prepare a neighbourhood plan or a Neighbourhood Development Order,
- Constructively engage with the qualifying body / community organisation throughout the process including when considering the recommendations of the independent examiner of a Neighbourhood Plan or Order, and
- Fulfil its statutory requirements, as set out in the relevant regulations e.g. designating the neighbourhood area, managing the referendum.
6.4.3 Further detail on how the Council can help at each stage of the process is available on the Council's website; How can Harborough District Council help with Neighbourhood Plans?