Statement of Community Involvement (Draft Sept 2019)
3: Consultation Core Principles
3.1 Why is consultation important?
3.1.1 The opportunity for the community to engage with and influence both plan-making and development management is an essential part of good planning.
3.1.2 Effective community engagement is mutually beneficial and promotes: a better understanding of community priorities; increased awareness of planning proposals; greater collective working between the Council and the community; and more inclusive ownership of planning issues.
3.1.3 Harborough District Council wishes to make both the planning policy and planning application processes accessible to enable meaningful community involvement in the future development of the District.
3.1.4 Harborough District's Corporate Plan 2018-2021 contains a number of priorities, including providing "an effective, integrated and accessible planning service" and to "Improve the customer experience including wider availability of 24/7 on-line services".
3.1.5 The Council has also embarked on programmes of improvement to explore the customer experience designed to ensure that the Council can continue to meet the growing demands for services and make best use of available resources. As part of these programmes the Council will continue to take advantage of opportunities to continually review the engagement of groups / sectors / communities in the consultation process and explore innovations that could enhance the process even further.
3.2 What does the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) say about consultation?
3.2.1 Throughout national policy and guidance there is a clear emphasis on encouraging early and continuous involvement in the planning process.
3.2.2 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF para 16) states that Local Plans should: "be shaped by early, proportionate and effective engagement between plan-makers and communities, local organisations, businesses, infrastructure providers and operators and statutory consultees". It also encourages the benefits of engaging with the local community, and where relevant statutory and non statutory consultees, before planning applications are submitted (NPPF para 39-46). Early engagement is acknowledged as having the potential to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the planning application system for all parties.
3.3 Core principles for consultation
3.3.1 The Council aims to involve the community and stakeholders with an interest in the development of Harborough District in consultation in a timely and appropriate way which recognises that some consultees will require additional support or alternative methods to ensure that their opinions are not missed . Through the SCI the Council undertakes to make best use of available resources and to conduct consultation in accordance with relevant legislation.
3.3.2 The Council is committed to the following core principles:
- Providing timely and easy access to information on planning matters,
- Giving the community opportunities to contribute ideas and take an active part in developing proposals,
- Providing opportunities to comment on formal proposals, and to value the opinions and insight of consultees at all stages,
- Being open and transparent in its decision making, and explaining the influence of consultation,
- Using appropriate, fit for purpose and cost efficient consultation techniques and methods which take account of the differing skills and abilities of the community,
- Keeping people informed about progress and outcomes,
- Showing fairness and equality to residents in creating opportunities to be involved in planning matters, and
- Writing consultation documents as simply as possible and including a glossary where necessary.
3.3.3 By adhering to these principles the Council aims to enable widespread and meaningful involvement in its planning service and encourage the community to help shape the future development of the District.