Statement of Community Involvement (Draft Sept 2019)

Ended on the 8 January 2020


1.1 What is a Statement of Community Involvement?

1.1.1 As local planning authority (LPA) for the area, Harborough District Council is responsible for the production of planning policy documents (Plan-making), principally the Local Plan, and the determination of planning applications[1] (Development Management).The opportunity for the community to engage with and influence both these aspects of planning is an essential part of good planning.

1.1.2 The Statement of Community Involvement (referred to as the SCI) explains how parties with an interest in planning issues in the District can engage with the planning system. Essentially the SCI sets out who, when and how the Council will consult when developing new planning policy and processing planning applications.

1.2 Why is a Statement of Community Involvement needed?

1.2.1 The requirement for the local planning authority to produce an SCI is set out in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Section 18, subsections (1) and (2) and other relevant and amended legislation.

1.3 Why is the Statement of Community Involvement being revised?

1.3.1 The Council adopted its SCI in March 2015. Since then there have been a number of changes to primary legislation (i.e. the Planning Acts) and secondary legislation (i.e. the relevant regulations) governing the planning system. The most recent legislative changes bring into effect a requirement to complete a review of the SCI every five years, starting from the date of adoption. In addition the Neighbourhood Planning Act (2017) introduced a requirement for SCIs to set out how the Local Planning Authority (LPA) will support the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans and consult with Neighbourhood Plan qualifying bodies.

1.3.2 The SCI is being revised to reflect these legislative changes. Following a period of consultation and adoption by the Council, this SCI will replace the 2015 version, bringing the Council's practices in line with current legislation.

[1] Except those for Minerals and Waste

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