
Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

Representation ID: 6276

Received: 03/11/2017

Respondent: David Wilson Homes East Midlands

Agent: Marrons Planning

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

DWH objects to the fact that no additional housing is proposed for Kibworth.

Full text:

Policy H1 states that in addition to existing completions and commitments, a minimum of 4,600 new homes will be provided up to 2031. In the Rural Centres only a further 110 dwellings are proposed, the majority of these in Houghton on the Hill.

DWH notes that scenarios of extremely high levels of housing development or no housing development in Kibworth were tested during the latter stages of the Local Plan assessment process (final spatial alternatives). Whilst there has been a high level of completions and commitments in Kibworth over the plan period so far, it is considered that Policy H1 could be more flexible in enabling additional development in Kibworth to come forward to meet local housing need, i.e. to contribute towards a housing land supply shortfall, to take account of lapse rates on committed developments in the Rural Centres or committed sites in the Rural Centres that prove to be undeliverable or undevelopable.

It is considered that in these circumstances, a modest amount of additional development should be permitted in Kibworth. David Wilson Homes site at Smeeton Road (site reference A/KB/HSG/15) could deliver in the region of 150-170 dwellings. The site is assessed in the Council's SHLAA where it was considered to be suitable, available and achievable for residential development and deliverable in accordance with the NPPF definition (i.e. in 0-5 years). The Sustainability Appraisal which forms part of this consultation considers that the only factor where mitigation is likely to be required (as opposed to may) or where there is an unavoidable impact is access to a railway station, which is comparable across the majority of sites in the Rural Centres.

The Sustainability Appraisal identifies the low levels of development at Great Glen, Ullesthorpe, (under SDA options) and Kibworth (Options B and D) as a key issue (p.130), concluding that this "could lead to less positive effects on health, wellbeing, housing and economy (than relying on completions and commitments alone)." In relation to this issue, the SA considers that:

"...an increase in growth at Great Glen and Kibworth would not be expected to have significant negative effects upon the built and natural environment. However, it would generate positive effects in these settlements, whilst mitigating negative effects at more sensitive locations (For example South Kilworth).

Under options 3 (Scraptoft North) and 6 (Lutterworth East), it ought to be possible to increase housing delivery in Kibworth (given its role as a Rural Centre) without significantly affecting the built or natural environment. This would help to generate more positive effects on well-being, housing and economy should the preferred approach be option 3 or 6 (which involve no/low growth at Kibworth and Great Glen)."

The SA also confirms that there is current highways assessment taking place that will impact on the amount of development which can take place along the A6 including the Kibworths (p.255). As a result, it may be possible to accommodate additional housing development in Kibworth which reflects its status as one of the larger Rural Centres. A more flexibly worded policy in relation to future housing development in Kibworth is recommended.

Marrons Planning has concerns that the housing trajectory at Appendix G would not ensure a 5 year housing land supply on adoption and consider that in order to significantly boost the supply of housing, this should be addressed by the Local Plan prior to submission to the Secretary of State.