Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

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Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

SS1 clause 2a. enable housing development during 2011-2031 comprising:

Representation ID: 7586

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Messers Herbert

Agent: Strutt and Parker

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Objections are made to SS1 "The spatial strategy", Policy H1 "Provision of new housing, Policy BE1 "Provision of new business development" and Policy BE2 "Strategic distribution" insofar as the draft Plan not is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

The landowners object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

Full text:

The landowners of Whetstone Pastures, duly object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

2 On this basis objections are duly made insofar as SS1 - The Spatial Strategy is not 'sound' insofar as it is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements, including, where they arise, potentially making an appropriate contribution towards meeting unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

3 With regard to SS1 it is submitted the following strategic priorities of the Local Plan (pp. 9) are not fully met:

* SP1: Meeting the housing and employment needs of the Leicester and Leicestershire housing and economic market areas;
* SP2: Assisting other local authorities to meet their unmet housing need; and
* SP3: Meeting regional and national demand for strategic distribution (logistics) development.

4 This is predicated on the basis that:

* Policy H1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new housing for the Plan period;
* Policy BE1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new business development for the Plan period; and
* Policy BE2 - fails to identify land at Whetstone Pastures as a potential logistics park.

5 Policies H1, BE1 and BE2 are effectively drafted on the basis of Harborough meeting its own objectively assessed needs. Accordingly, the draft Plan fails to recognise the wider needs of its neighbours as established in January 2017 when the Leicester and Leicestershire Authorities (including Harborough and Blaby) and LLEP jointly published its HEDNA which identifies the future quantity of housing and employment land needed in Leicester and Leicestershire up to 2031 and 2036.

6 The HEDNA has identified an Objectively Assessed Need for 117,900 dwellings between 2011 and 2036 across Leicester and Leicestershire. The need for larger more strategic warehousing and distribution units across Leicestershire is set out in the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Study 2015 (updated in 2017).

7 Leicester City Council has indicated that there will be unmet housing need within the City. A letter from Leicester City Council to all the other local planning authorities in the HMA dated 13th February 2017 stated that;

"the scale of the need [OAN] set out in the HEDNA is of such magnitude that it is concluded that there will be an unmet need arising in the city'. An additional letter sent on the same day to the Planning Inspector for the examination of the North West Leicestershire Local Plan set out 'our formal declaration of unmet housing need arising in the city."

8 In addition to setting out the future housing and employment requirement the document recognises that there is a need for all authorities within the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area to work collaboratively to account for the distribution of any identified unmet need.

9 On the basis of the foregoing local authorities have a statutory Duty to Cooperate over such matters and to identify how any such needs would be met. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is currently being prepared by the 9 local authorities within the HMA (including Harborough). This document will identify how any unmet housing needs will be accommodated and will be signed by each authority as a binding agreement.

10 Given that the unmet needs of Leicester City Council should be addressed within the period of the Harborough emerging Local Plan the landowners are very concerned that there is no flexibility within the Plan to demonstrate how Harborough will accommodate unmet need through policies H1, BE1 and BE2 to meet this need.

Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options

11 The Council will be aware of representations made to Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options document (2015) by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners (NLP) on behalf of Prologis UK Limited (Prologis). The representations principally related to proposals for a new logistics park on land between junctions 20 and 21 of the M1.

12 In broad terms the landholding related to an area in excess of 185 ha to the east and west of the proposed new M1 junction 20a (Whetstone Pastures Estate). The land is located to the south east of Cosby and west of Willoughby Waterleys. The Estate straddles the administrative boundaries of both Harborough and Blaby.

13 At the time of the submission the landowners and Prologis were promoting:
A new motorway Junction 20a on the M1 to relieve congestion at Junction 21 and to help remove an obstacle to further economic development;
* A new motorway service area to replace the existing Leicester Forest East motorway service area allowing for the managed motorway programme to be introduced; and
* A new 370,000 sq m logistics park on approximately 80 ha next to the proposed Junction 20a that would deliver over 6,000 high quality jobs in a wide range of roles.

14 Representations were duly made and recorded as follows:

* New Local Plan Options (September 2015), (rep. ID 2680 / 4242); and
* 'Sustainability Appraisal - Second Interim Report Appraising Options for Strategic Distribution Growth (February 2016) (rep ID 5327 / 5326 and 5245).

15 The representations were endorsed by the landowners in a follow up written submission lodged by Strutt & Parker on the 28th June 2016.

A New Garden Village

16 Since these submissions Blaby District Council, with the support of Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), made a submission in response to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Home and Communities Agency's (HCA) invitation for Garden Village proposals in July 2016.

17 The proposed Garden Village would be focused around a new M1 junction at 20a. The total site area would extend to approximately 400 hectares and would include the 185 hectares previously identified for the logistics park. Whilst the majority of the site falls within the administrative boundary of Blaby some 15% of the southern part of the landholding lies in Harborough. Please see attached map for more detail.

18 Whilst the bid was not successful the HCA in their individual letter of response went on to encourage the continued pursuit of the Garden Village idea:

"The HCA is responsible for delivering the Garden Villages Programme for the DCLG and we recognise the potential of your proposal. We would like to have a conversation with you around how we can best support you in progressing your Garden Village ambitions. There is scope for us to offer support from our planning Team ATLAS, from delivery specialists in our teams and in HCA's Land Team. We hope to open another round of Garden Village Funding in 2017/2018 and offer guidance in preparing applications."

19 Blaby District Council are continuing to work with the landowners to deliver a shared vision for the Garden Village proposals.

20 The proposals are at an early stage. However, the Local Authority and landowners have a shared goal to develop the ideas into fully-fledged proposals over the next 12-24 months. In broad terms it is envisaged that the Garden Village would offer a unique opportunity to deliver truly sustainable strategic growth; comprising of a new community, large scale employment opportunities and considerable benefits for the surrounding highways network. Specifically the plans would ensure:

* The delivery of a new M1 Junction (J20a):
* Approximately 280,000 sqm employment and logistics park; and
* In excess of 3,500 homes.

It is envisaged that this sustainable new community would deliver facilities including schools, healthcare and sports, and green and blue infrastructure, new local shops and other community facilities, all set within an attractive landscaped network of streets and parks. All this on a site located approximately 5km from the major commercial hub of Leicester City Centre.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

SS1 clause 2b. enable commercial growth during 2011-2031 comprising:

Representation ID: 7587

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Messers Herbert

Agent: Strutt and Parker

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Objections are made to SS1 "The spatial strategy", Policy H1 "Provision of new housing, Policy BE1 "Provision of new business development" and Policy BE2 "Strategic distribution" insofar as the draft Plan not is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

The landowners object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

Full text:

The landowners of Whetstone Pastures, duly object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

2 On this basis objections are duly made insofar as SS1 - The Spatial Strategy is not 'sound' insofar as it is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements, including, where they arise, potentially making an appropriate contribution towards meeting unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

3 With regard to SS1 it is submitted the following strategic priorities of the Local Plan (pp. 9) are not fully met:

* SP1: Meeting the housing and employment needs of the Leicester and Leicestershire housing and economic market areas;
* SP2: Assisting other local authorities to meet their unmet housing need; and
* SP3: Meeting regional and national demand for strategic distribution (logistics) development.

4 This is predicated on the basis that:

* Policy H1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new housing for the Plan period;
* Policy BE1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new business development for the Plan period; and
* Policy BE2 - fails to identify land at Whetstone Pastures as a potential logistics park.

5 Policies H1, BE1 and BE2 are effectively drafted on the basis of Harborough meeting its own objectively assessed needs. Accordingly, the draft Plan fails to recognise the wider needs of its neighbours as established in January 2017 when the Leicester and Leicestershire Authorities (including Harborough and Blaby) and LLEP jointly published its HEDNA which identifies the future quantity of housing and employment land needed in Leicester and Leicestershire up to 2031 and 2036.

6 The HEDNA has identified an Objectively Assessed Need for 117,900 dwellings between 2011 and 2036 across Leicester and Leicestershire. The need for larger more strategic warehousing and distribution units across Leicestershire is set out in the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Study 2015 (updated in 2017).

7 Leicester City Council has indicated that there will be unmet housing need within the City. A letter from Leicester City Council to all the other local planning authorities in the HMA dated 13th February 2017 stated that;

"the scale of the need [OAN] set out in the HEDNA is of such magnitude that it is concluded that there will be an unmet need arising in the city'. An additional letter sent on the same day to the Planning Inspector for the examination of the North West Leicestershire Local Plan set out 'our formal declaration of unmet housing need arising in the city."

8 In addition to setting out the future housing and employment requirement the document recognises that there is a need for all authorities within the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area to work collaboratively to account for the distribution of any identified unmet need.

9 On the basis of the foregoing local authorities have a statutory Duty to Cooperate over such matters and to identify how any such needs would be met. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is currently being prepared by the 9 local authorities within the HMA (including Harborough). This document will identify how any unmet housing needs will be accommodated and will be signed by each authority as a binding agreement.

10 Given that the unmet needs of Leicester City Council should be addressed within the period of the Harborough emerging Local Plan the landowners are very concerned that there is no flexibility within the Plan to demonstrate how Harborough will accommodate unmet need through policies H1, BE1 and BE2 to meet this need.

Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options

11 The Council will be aware of representations made to Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options document (2015) by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners (NLP) on behalf of Prologis UK Limited (Prologis). The representations principally related to proposals for a new logistics park on land between junctions 20 and 21 of the M1.

12 In broad terms the landholding related to an area in excess of 185 ha to the east and west of the proposed new M1 junction 20a (Whetstone Pastures Estate). The land is located to the south east of Cosby and west of Willoughby Waterleys. The Estate straddles the administrative boundaries of both Harborough and Blaby.

13 At the time of the submission the landowners and Prologis were promoting:
A new motorway Junction 20a on the M1 to relieve congestion at Junction 21 and to help remove an obstacle to further economic development;
* A new motorway service area to replace the existing Leicester Forest East motorway service area allowing for the managed motorway programme to be introduced; and
* A new 370,000 sq m logistics park on approximately 80 ha next to the proposed Junction 20a that would deliver over 6,000 high quality jobs in a wide range of roles.

14 Representations were duly made and recorded as follows:

* New Local Plan Options (September 2015), (rep. ID 2680 / 4242); and
* 'Sustainability Appraisal - Second Interim Report Appraising Options for Strategic Distribution Growth (February 2016) (rep ID 5327 / 5326 and 5245).

15 The representations were endorsed by the landowners in a follow up written submission lodged by Strutt & Parker on the 28th June 2016.

A New Garden Village

16 Since these submissions Blaby District Council, with the support of Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), made a submission in response to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Home and Communities Agency's (HCA) invitation for Garden Village proposals in July 2016.

17 The proposed Garden Village would be focused around a new M1 junction at 20a. The total site area would extend to approximately 400 hectares and would include the 185 hectares previously identified for the logistics park. Whilst the majority of the site falls within the administrative boundary of Blaby some 15% of the southern part of the landholding lies in Harborough. Please see attached map for more detail.

18 Whilst the bid was not successful the HCA in their individual letter of response went on to encourage the continued pursuit of the Garden Village idea:

"The HCA is responsible for delivering the Garden Villages Programme for the DCLG and we recognise the potential of your proposal. We would like to have a conversation with you around how we can best support you in progressing your Garden Village ambitions. There is scope for us to offer support from our planning Team ATLAS, from delivery specialists in our teams and in HCA's Land Team. We hope to open another round of Garden Village Funding in 2017/2018 and offer guidance in preparing applications."

19 Blaby District Council are continuing to work with the landowners to deliver a shared vision for the Garden Village proposals.

20 The proposals are at an early stage. However, the Local Authority and landowners have a shared goal to develop the ideas into fully-fledged proposals over the next 12-24 months. In broad terms it is envisaged that the Garden Village would offer a unique opportunity to deliver truly sustainable strategic growth; comprising of a new community, large scale employment opportunities and considerable benefits for the surrounding highways network. Specifically the plans would ensure:

* The delivery of a new M1 Junction (J20a):
* Approximately 280,000 sqm employment and logistics park; and
* In excess of 3,500 homes.

It is envisaged that this sustainable new community would deliver facilities including schools, healthcare and sports, and green and blue infrastructure, new local shops and other community facilities, all set within an attractive landscaped network of streets and parks. All this on a site located approximately 5km from the major commercial hub of Leicester City Centre.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

SS1 clause 2c. Strategic storage and distribution

Representation ID: 7588

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Messers Herbert

Agent: Strutt and Parker

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Objections are made to SS1 "The spatial strategy", Policy H1 "Provision of new housing, Policy BE1 "Provision of new business development" and Policy BE2 "Strategic distribution" insofar as the draft Plan not is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

The landowners object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

Full text:

The landowners of Whetstone Pastures, duly object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

2 On this basis objections are duly made insofar as SS1 - The Spatial Strategy is not 'sound' insofar as it is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements, including, where they arise, potentially making an appropriate contribution towards meeting unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

3 With regard to SS1 it is submitted the following strategic priorities of the Local Plan (pp. 9) are not fully met:

* SP1: Meeting the housing and employment needs of the Leicester and Leicestershire housing and economic market areas;
* SP2: Assisting other local authorities to meet their unmet housing need; and
* SP3: Meeting regional and national demand for strategic distribution (logistics) development.

4 This is predicated on the basis that:

* Policy H1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new housing for the Plan period;
* Policy BE1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new business development for the Plan period; and
* Policy BE2 - fails to identify land at Whetstone Pastures as a potential logistics park.

5 Policies H1, BE1 and BE2 are effectively drafted on the basis of Harborough meeting its own objectively assessed needs. Accordingly, the draft Plan fails to recognise the wider needs of its neighbours as established in January 2017 when the Leicester and Leicestershire Authorities (including Harborough and Blaby) and LLEP jointly published its HEDNA which identifies the future quantity of housing and employment land needed in Leicester and Leicestershire up to 2031 and 2036.

6 The HEDNA has identified an Objectively Assessed Need for 117,900 dwellings between 2011 and 2036 across Leicester and Leicestershire. The need for larger more strategic warehousing and distribution units across Leicestershire is set out in the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Study 2015 (updated in 2017).

7 Leicester City Council has indicated that there will be unmet housing need within the City. A letter from Leicester City Council to all the other local planning authorities in the HMA dated 13th February 2017 stated that;

"the scale of the need [OAN] set out in the HEDNA is of such magnitude that it is concluded that there will be an unmet need arising in the city'. An additional letter sent on the same day to the Planning Inspector for the examination of the North West Leicestershire Local Plan set out 'our formal declaration of unmet housing need arising in the city."

8 In addition to setting out the future housing and employment requirement the document recognises that there is a need for all authorities within the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area to work collaboratively to account for the distribution of any identified unmet need.

9 On the basis of the foregoing local authorities have a statutory Duty to Cooperate over such matters and to identify how any such needs would be met. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is currently being prepared by the 9 local authorities within the HMA (including Harborough). This document will identify how any unmet housing needs will be accommodated and will be signed by each authority as a binding agreement.

10 Given that the unmet needs of Leicester City Council should be addressed within the period of the Harborough emerging Local Plan the landowners are very concerned that there is no flexibility within the Plan to demonstrate how Harborough will accommodate unmet need through policies H1, BE1 and BE2 to meet this need.

Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options

11 The Council will be aware of representations made to Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options document (2015) by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners (NLP) on behalf of Prologis UK Limited (Prologis). The representations principally related to proposals for a new logistics park on land between junctions 20 and 21 of the M1.

12 In broad terms the landholding related to an area in excess of 185 ha to the east and west of the proposed new M1 junction 20a (Whetstone Pastures Estate). The land is located to the south east of Cosby and west of Willoughby Waterleys. The Estate straddles the administrative boundaries of both Harborough and Blaby.

13 At the time of the submission the landowners and Prologis were promoting:
A new motorway Junction 20a on the M1 to relieve congestion at Junction 21 and to help remove an obstacle to further economic development;
* A new motorway service area to replace the existing Leicester Forest East motorway service area allowing for the managed motorway programme to be introduced; and
* A new 370,000 sq m logistics park on approximately 80 ha next to the proposed Junction 20a that would deliver over 6,000 high quality jobs in a wide range of roles.

14 Representations were duly made and recorded as follows:

* New Local Plan Options (September 2015), (rep. ID 2680 / 4242); and
* 'Sustainability Appraisal - Second Interim Report Appraising Options for Strategic Distribution Growth (February 2016) (rep ID 5327 / 5326 and 5245).

15 The representations were endorsed by the landowners in a follow up written submission lodged by Strutt & Parker on the 28th June 2016.

A New Garden Village

16 Since these submissions Blaby District Council, with the support of Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), made a submission in response to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Home and Communities Agency's (HCA) invitation for Garden Village proposals in July 2016.

17 The proposed Garden Village would be focused around a new M1 junction at 20a. The total site area would extend to approximately 400 hectares and would include the 185 hectares previously identified for the logistics park. Whilst the majority of the site falls within the administrative boundary of Blaby some 15% of the southern part of the landholding lies in Harborough. Please see attached map for more detail.

18 Whilst the bid was not successful the HCA in their individual letter of response went on to encourage the continued pursuit of the Garden Village idea:

"The HCA is responsible for delivering the Garden Villages Programme for the DCLG and we recognise the potential of your proposal. We would like to have a conversation with you around how we can best support you in progressing your Garden Village ambitions. There is scope for us to offer support from our planning Team ATLAS, from delivery specialists in our teams and in HCA's Land Team. We hope to open another round of Garden Village Funding in 2017/2018 and offer guidance in preparing applications."

19 Blaby District Council are continuing to work with the landowners to deliver a shared vision for the Garden Village proposals.

20 The proposals are at an early stage. However, the Local Authority and landowners have a shared goal to develop the ideas into fully-fledged proposals over the next 12-24 months. In broad terms it is envisaged that the Garden Village would offer a unique opportunity to deliver truly sustainable strategic growth; comprising of a new community, large scale employment opportunities and considerable benefits for the surrounding highways network. Specifically the plans would ensure:

* The delivery of a new M1 Junction (J20a):
* Approximately 280,000 sqm employment and logistics park; and
* In excess of 3,500 homes.

It is envisaged that this sustainable new community would deliver facilities including schools, healthcare and sports, and green and blue infrastructure, new local shops and other community facilities, all set within an attractive landscaped network of streets and parks. All this on a site located approximately 5km from the major commercial hub of Leicester City Centre.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

H1 Opening sentence

Representation ID: 7591

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Messers Herbert

Agent: Strutt and Parker

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Objections are made to SS1 "The spatial strategy", Policy H1 "Provision of new housing, Policy BE1 "Provision of new business development" and Policy BE2 "Strategic distribution" insofar as the draft Plan not is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

The landowners object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

Full text:

The landowners of Whetstone Pastures, duly object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

2 On this basis objections are duly made insofar as SS1 - The Spatial Strategy is not 'sound' insofar as it is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements, including, where they arise, potentially making an appropriate contribution towards meeting unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

3 With regard to SS1 it is submitted the following strategic priorities of the Local Plan (pp. 9) are not fully met:

* SP1: Meeting the housing and employment needs of the Leicester and Leicestershire housing and economic market areas;
* SP2: Assisting other local authorities to meet their unmet housing need; and
* SP3: Meeting regional and national demand for strategic distribution (logistics) development.

4 This is predicated on the basis that:

* Policy H1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new housing for the Plan period;
* Policy BE1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new business development for the Plan period; and
* Policy BE2 - fails to identify land at Whetstone Pastures as a potential logistics park.

5 Policies H1, BE1 and BE2 are effectively drafted on the basis of Harborough meeting its own objectively assessed needs. Accordingly, the draft Plan fails to recognise the wider needs of its neighbours as established in January 2017 when the Leicester and Leicestershire Authorities (including Harborough and Blaby) and LLEP jointly published its HEDNA which identifies the future quantity of housing and employment land needed in Leicester and Leicestershire up to 2031 and 2036.

6 The HEDNA has identified an Objectively Assessed Need for 117,900 dwellings between 2011 and 2036 across Leicester and Leicestershire. The need for larger more strategic warehousing and distribution units across Leicestershire is set out in the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Study 2015 (updated in 2017).

7 Leicester City Council has indicated that there will be unmet housing need within the City. A letter from Leicester City Council to all the other local planning authorities in the HMA dated 13th February 2017 stated that;

"the scale of the need [OAN] set out in the HEDNA is of such magnitude that it is concluded that there will be an unmet need arising in the city'. An additional letter sent on the same day to the Planning Inspector for the examination of the North West Leicestershire Local Plan set out 'our formal declaration of unmet housing need arising in the city."

8 In addition to setting out the future housing and employment requirement the document recognises that there is a need for all authorities within the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area to work collaboratively to account for the distribution of any identified unmet need.

9 On the basis of the foregoing local authorities have a statutory Duty to Cooperate over such matters and to identify how any such needs would be met. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is currently being prepared by the 9 local authorities within the HMA (including Harborough). This document will identify how any unmet housing needs will be accommodated and will be signed by each authority as a binding agreement.

10 Given that the unmet needs of Leicester City Council should be addressed within the period of the Harborough emerging Local Plan the landowners are very concerned that there is no flexibility within the Plan to demonstrate how Harborough will accommodate unmet need through policies H1, BE1 and BE2 to meet this need.

Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options

11 The Council will be aware of representations made to Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options document (2015) by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners (NLP) on behalf of Prologis UK Limited (Prologis). The representations principally related to proposals for a new logistics park on land between junctions 20 and 21 of the M1.

12 In broad terms the landholding related to an area in excess of 185 ha to the east and west of the proposed new M1 junction 20a (Whetstone Pastures Estate). The land is located to the south east of Cosby and west of Willoughby Waterleys. The Estate straddles the administrative boundaries of both Harborough and Blaby.

13 At the time of the submission the landowners and Prologis were promoting:
A new motorway Junction 20a on the M1 to relieve congestion at Junction 21 and to help remove an obstacle to further economic development;
* A new motorway service area to replace the existing Leicester Forest East motorway service area allowing for the managed motorway programme to be introduced; and
* A new 370,000 sq m logistics park on approximately 80 ha next to the proposed Junction 20a that would deliver over 6,000 high quality jobs in a wide range of roles.

14 Representations were duly made and recorded as follows:

* New Local Plan Options (September 2015), (rep. ID 2680 / 4242); and
* 'Sustainability Appraisal - Second Interim Report Appraising Options for Strategic Distribution Growth (February 2016) (rep ID 5327 / 5326 and 5245).

15 The representations were endorsed by the landowners in a follow up written submission lodged by Strutt & Parker on the 28th June 2016.

A New Garden Village

16 Since these submissions Blaby District Council, with the support of Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), made a submission in response to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Home and Communities Agency's (HCA) invitation for Garden Village proposals in July 2016.

17 The proposed Garden Village would be focused around a new M1 junction at 20a. The total site area would extend to approximately 400 hectares and would include the 185 hectares previously identified for the logistics park. Whilst the majority of the site falls within the administrative boundary of Blaby some 15% of the southern part of the landholding lies in Harborough. Please see attached map for more detail.

18 Whilst the bid was not successful the HCA in their individual letter of response went on to encourage the continued pursuit of the Garden Village idea:

"The HCA is responsible for delivering the Garden Villages Programme for the DCLG and we recognise the potential of your proposal. We would like to have a conversation with you around how we can best support you in progressing your Garden Village ambitions. There is scope for us to offer support from our planning Team ATLAS, from delivery specialists in our teams and in HCA's Land Team. We hope to open another round of Garden Village Funding in 2017/2018 and offer guidance in preparing applications."

19 Blaby District Council are continuing to work with the landowners to deliver a shared vision for the Garden Village proposals.

20 The proposals are at an early stage. However, the Local Authority and landowners have a shared goal to develop the ideas into fully-fledged proposals over the next 12-24 months. In broad terms it is envisaged that the Garden Village would offer a unique opportunity to deliver truly sustainable strategic growth; comprising of a new community, large scale employment opportunities and considerable benefits for the surrounding highways network. Specifically the plans would ensure:

* The delivery of a new M1 Junction (J20a):
* Approximately 280,000 sqm employment and logistics park; and
* In excess of 3,500 homes.

It is envisaged that this sustainable new community would deliver facilities including schools, healthcare and sports, and green and blue infrastructure, new local shops and other community facilities, all set within an attractive landscaped network of streets and parks. All this on a site located approximately 5km from the major commercial hub of Leicester City Centre.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

BE2 clause 2

Representation ID: 7592

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Messers Herbert

Agent: Strutt and Parker

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Objections are made to SS1 "The spatial strategy", Policy H1 "Provision of new housing, Policy BE1 "Provision of new business development" and Policy BE2 "Strategic distribution" insofar as the draft Plan not is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

The landowners object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

Full text:

The landowners of Whetstone Pastures, duly object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

2 On this basis objections are duly made insofar as SS1 - The Spatial Strategy is not 'sound' insofar as it is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements, including, where they arise, potentially making an appropriate contribution towards meeting unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

3 With regard to SS1 it is submitted the following strategic priorities of the Local Plan (pp. 9) are not fully met:

* SP1: Meeting the housing and employment needs of the Leicester and Leicestershire housing and economic market areas;
* SP2: Assisting other local authorities to meet their unmet housing need; and
* SP3: Meeting regional and national demand for strategic distribution (logistics) development.

4 This is predicated on the basis that:

* Policy H1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new housing for the Plan period;
* Policy BE1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new business development for the Plan period; and
* Policy BE2 - fails to identify land at Whetstone Pastures as a potential logistics park.

5 Policies H1, BE1 and BE2 are effectively drafted on the basis of Harborough meeting its own objectively assessed needs. Accordingly, the draft Plan fails to recognise the wider needs of its neighbours as established in January 2017 when the Leicester and Leicestershire Authorities (including Harborough and Blaby) and LLEP jointly published its HEDNA which identifies the future quantity of housing and employment land needed in Leicester and Leicestershire up to 2031 and 2036.

6 The HEDNA has identified an Objectively Assessed Need for 117,900 dwellings between 2011 and 2036 across Leicester and Leicestershire. The need for larger more strategic warehousing and distribution units across Leicestershire is set out in the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Study 2015 (updated in 2017).

7 Leicester City Council has indicated that there will be unmet housing need within the City. A letter from Leicester City Council to all the other local planning authorities in the HMA dated 13th February 2017 stated that;

"the scale of the need [OAN] set out in the HEDNA is of such magnitude that it is concluded that there will be an unmet need arising in the city'. An additional letter sent on the same day to the Planning Inspector for the examination of the North West Leicestershire Local Plan set out 'our formal declaration of unmet housing need arising in the city."

8 In addition to setting out the future housing and employment requirement the document recognises that there is a need for all authorities within the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area to work collaboratively to account for the distribution of any identified unmet need.

9 On the basis of the foregoing local authorities have a statutory Duty to Cooperate over such matters and to identify how any such needs would be met. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is currently being prepared by the 9 local authorities within the HMA (including Harborough). This document will identify how any unmet housing needs will be accommodated and will be signed by each authority as a binding agreement.

10 Given that the unmet needs of Leicester City Council should be addressed within the period of the Harborough emerging Local Plan the landowners are very concerned that there is no flexibility within the Plan to demonstrate how Harborough will accommodate unmet need through policies H1, BE1 and BE2 to meet this need.

Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options

11 The Council will be aware of representations made to Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options document (2015) by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners (NLP) on behalf of Prologis UK Limited (Prologis). The representations principally related to proposals for a new logistics park on land between junctions 20 and 21 of the M1.

12 In broad terms the landholding related to an area in excess of 185 ha to the east and west of the proposed new M1 junction 20a (Whetstone Pastures Estate). The land is located to the south east of Cosby and west of Willoughby Waterleys. The Estate straddles the administrative boundaries of both Harborough and Blaby.

13 At the time of the submission the landowners and Prologis were promoting:
A new motorway Junction 20a on the M1 to relieve congestion at Junction 21 and to help remove an obstacle to further economic development;
* A new motorway service area to replace the existing Leicester Forest East motorway service area allowing for the managed motorway programme to be introduced; and
* A new 370,000 sq m logistics park on approximately 80 ha next to the proposed Junction 20a that would deliver over 6,000 high quality jobs in a wide range of roles.

14 Representations were duly made and recorded as follows:

* New Local Plan Options (September 2015), (rep. ID 2680 / 4242); and
* 'Sustainability Appraisal - Second Interim Report Appraising Options for Strategic Distribution Growth (February 2016) (rep ID 5327 / 5326 and 5245).

15 The representations were endorsed by the landowners in a follow up written submission lodged by Strutt & Parker on the 28th June 2016.

A New Garden Village

16 Since these submissions Blaby District Council, with the support of Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), made a submission in response to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Home and Communities Agency's (HCA) invitation for Garden Village proposals in July 2016.

17 The proposed Garden Village would be focused around a new M1 junction at 20a. The total site area would extend to approximately 400 hectares and would include the 185 hectares previously identified for the logistics park. Whilst the majority of the site falls within the administrative boundary of Blaby some 15% of the southern part of the landholding lies in Harborough. Please see attached map for more detail.

18 Whilst the bid was not successful the HCA in their individual letter of response went on to encourage the continued pursuit of the Garden Village idea:

"The HCA is responsible for delivering the Garden Villages Programme for the DCLG and we recognise the potential of your proposal. We would like to have a conversation with you around how we can best support you in progressing your Garden Village ambitions. There is scope for us to offer support from our planning Team ATLAS, from delivery specialists in our teams and in HCA's Land Team. We hope to open another round of Garden Village Funding in 2017/2018 and offer guidance in preparing applications."

19 Blaby District Council are continuing to work with the landowners to deliver a shared vision for the Garden Village proposals.

20 The proposals are at an early stage. However, the Local Authority and landowners have a shared goal to develop the ideas into fully-fledged proposals over the next 12-24 months. In broad terms it is envisaged that the Garden Village would offer a unique opportunity to deliver truly sustainable strategic growth; comprising of a new community, large scale employment opportunities and considerable benefits for the surrounding highways network. Specifically the plans would ensure:

* The delivery of a new M1 Junction (J20a):
* Approximately 280,000 sqm employment and logistics park; and
* In excess of 3,500 homes.

It is envisaged that this sustainable new community would deliver facilities including schools, healthcare and sports, and green and blue infrastructure, new local shops and other community facilities, all set within an attractive landscaped network of streets and parks. All this on a site located approximately 5km from the major commercial hub of Leicester City Centre.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

BE1 clause 1

Representation ID: 7593

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Messers Herbert

Agent: Strutt and Parker

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Objections are made to SS1 "The spatial strategy", Policy H1 "Provision of new housing, Policy BE1 "Provision of new business development" and Policy BE2 "Strategic distribution" insofar as the draft Plan not is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

The landowners object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

Full text:

The landowners of Whetstone Pastures, duly object to the failure of the Council to recognise the potential to:

* Identify land within Whetstone Pastures as a future logistics park; and more over
* Recognise the ability of land within Whetstone Pastures to deliver a new Garden Village as part of a large strategic allocation extending over the administrative boundaries of both Blaby and Harborough.

2 On this basis objections are duly made insofar as SS1 - The Spatial Strategy is not 'sound' insofar as it is not:

* Positively Prepared as it fails to meet objectively assessed development needs and infrastructure requirements, including, where they arise, potentially making an appropriate contribution towards meeting unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities;
* Justified in that the plan is not based on the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
* Effective in that the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities; and
* Consistent with national policy as the plan does not enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.

3 With regard to SS1 it is submitted the following strategic priorities of the Local Plan (pp. 9) are not fully met:

* SP1: Meeting the housing and employment needs of the Leicester and Leicestershire housing and economic market areas;
* SP2: Assisting other local authorities to meet their unmet housing need; and
* SP3: Meeting regional and national demand for strategic distribution (logistics) development.

4 This is predicated on the basis that:

* Policy H1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new housing for the Plan period;
* Policy BE1 - fails to make provision for sufficient new business development for the Plan period; and
* Policy BE2 - fails to identify land at Whetstone Pastures as a potential logistics park.

5 Policies H1, BE1 and BE2 are effectively drafted on the basis of Harborough meeting its own objectively assessed needs. Accordingly, the draft Plan fails to recognise the wider needs of its neighbours as established in January 2017 when the Leicester and Leicestershire Authorities (including Harborough and Blaby) and LLEP jointly published its HEDNA which identifies the future quantity of housing and employment land needed in Leicester and Leicestershire up to 2031 and 2036.

6 The HEDNA has identified an Objectively Assessed Need for 117,900 dwellings between 2011 and 2036 across Leicester and Leicestershire. The need for larger more strategic warehousing and distribution units across Leicestershire is set out in the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Study 2015 (updated in 2017).

7 Leicester City Council has indicated that there will be unmet housing need within the City. A letter from Leicester City Council to all the other local planning authorities in the HMA dated 13th February 2017 stated that;

"the scale of the need [OAN] set out in the HEDNA is of such magnitude that it is concluded that there will be an unmet need arising in the city'. An additional letter sent on the same day to the Planning Inspector for the examination of the North West Leicestershire Local Plan set out 'our formal declaration of unmet housing need arising in the city."

8 In addition to setting out the future housing and employment requirement the document recognises that there is a need for all authorities within the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area to work collaboratively to account for the distribution of any identified unmet need.

9 On the basis of the foregoing local authorities have a statutory Duty to Cooperate over such matters and to identify how any such needs would be met. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is currently being prepared by the 9 local authorities within the HMA (including Harborough). This document will identify how any unmet housing needs will be accommodated and will be signed by each authority as a binding agreement.

10 Given that the unmet needs of Leicester City Council should be addressed within the period of the Harborough emerging Local Plan the landowners are very concerned that there is no flexibility within the Plan to demonstrate how Harborough will accommodate unmet need through policies H1, BE1 and BE2 to meet this need.

Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options

11 The Council will be aware of representations made to Harborough DC - New Local Plan Options document (2015) by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners (NLP) on behalf of Prologis UK Limited (Prologis). The representations principally related to proposals for a new logistics park on land between junctions 20 and 21 of the M1.

12 In broad terms the landholding related to an area in excess of 185 ha to the east and west of the proposed new M1 junction 20a (Whetstone Pastures Estate). The land is located to the south east of Cosby and west of Willoughby Waterleys. The Estate straddles the administrative boundaries of both Harborough and Blaby.

13 At the time of the submission the landowners and Prologis were promoting:
A new motorway Junction 20a on the M1 to relieve congestion at Junction 21 and to help remove an obstacle to further economic development;
* A new motorway service area to replace the existing Leicester Forest East motorway service area allowing for the managed motorway programme to be introduced; and
* A new 370,000 sq m logistics park on approximately 80 ha next to the proposed Junction 20a that would deliver over 6,000 high quality jobs in a wide range of roles.

14 Representations were duly made and recorded as follows:

* New Local Plan Options (September 2015), (rep. ID 2680 / 4242); and
* 'Sustainability Appraisal - Second Interim Report Appraising Options for Strategic Distribution Growth (February 2016) (rep ID 5327 / 5326 and 5245).

15 The representations were endorsed by the landowners in a follow up written submission lodged by Strutt & Parker on the 28th June 2016.

A New Garden Village

16 Since these submissions Blaby District Council, with the support of Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), made a submission in response to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Home and Communities Agency's (HCA) invitation for Garden Village proposals in July 2016.

17 The proposed Garden Village would be focused around a new M1 junction at 20a. The total site area would extend to approximately 400 hectares and would include the 185 hectares previously identified for the logistics park. Whilst the majority of the site falls within the administrative boundary of Blaby some 15% of the southern part of the landholding lies in Harborough. Please see attached map for more detail.

18 Whilst the bid was not successful the HCA in their individual letter of response went on to encourage the continued pursuit of the Garden Village idea:

"The HCA is responsible for delivering the Garden Villages Programme for the DCLG and we recognise the potential of your proposal. We would like to have a conversation with you around how we can best support you in progressing your Garden Village ambitions. There is scope for us to offer support from our planning Team ATLAS, from delivery specialists in our teams and in HCA's Land Team. We hope to open another round of Garden Village Funding in 2017/2018 and offer guidance in preparing applications."

19 Blaby District Council are continuing to work with the landowners to deliver a shared vision for the Garden Village proposals.

20 The proposals are at an early stage. However, the Local Authority and landowners have a shared goal to develop the ideas into fully-fledged proposals over the next 12-24 months. In broad terms it is envisaged that the Garden Village would offer a unique opportunity to deliver truly sustainable strategic growth; comprising of a new community, large scale employment opportunities and considerable benefits for the surrounding highways network. Specifically the plans would ensure:

* The delivery of a new M1 Junction (J20a):
* Approximately 280,000 sqm employment and logistics park; and
* In excess of 3,500 homes.

It is envisaged that this sustainable new community would deliver facilities including schools, healthcare and sports, and green and blue infrastructure, new local shops and other community facilities, all set within an attractive landscaped network of streets and parks. All this on a site located approximately 5km from the major commercial hub of Leicester City Centre.

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