Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

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Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

e. Selected Rural Villages

Representation ID: 7336

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Barwood Homes

Agent: Marrons Planning

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The Settlement Profile for Great Bowden confirms that with 4 out of the 6 key services, it has the level of services to become upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre. Barwood Homes considers that the spatial strategy for the district should be amended so that Great Bowden is upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre.

Full text:

These representations have been prepared on behalf of our client Barwood Homes Ltd in respect of its interest in Bowden Sawmill, north of Leicester Lane, Great Bowden. See attached document

The extent of our client's land interest is shown on the attached Site Location Plan.

SS1: Object
Great Bowden currently has Selected Rural Village status in the Harborough District Core Strategy (2011). This means that some level of development will be is likely to be directed to the village on a scale that reflects the size and character of the settlement. Selected Rural Villages have been identified on the basis of the presence of at least two of six relevant services (food shop, GP surgery, library, post office, primary school and pub).

Great Bowden currently has four of these Key Services; these are a Primary School (Great Bowden Academy Church of England Primary School, Gunnsbrook Close); two Pubs (The Shoulder of Mutton, The Green; The Red Lion Inn, Main Street); and Food Stores/Post Office (Bowden Stores, The Green - Fresh produce and Off License; Welton's, The Green - Post Office, Newsstand, Deli Counter and Tea Room (ATM located here too)).

The Settlement Profile for Great Bowden confirms that with 4 out of the 6 key services, it has the level of services to become upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre. Barwood Homes considers that the spatial strategy for the district should be amended so that Great Bowden is upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre.

GD2: Support and Object
Barwood Homes objects to the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1 (a) as it only seeks to support housing where 'it does not cumulatively with other proposals, significantly exceed the target for the delivery of new homes in Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages specified in Policy H1: Provision of New Housing.' Whilst this approach is not generally objected to, the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1(a) provides difficulty in determining applications for 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of...Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages' where the Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages in question do not have an identified target set out in Policy H1.
Policy H1 makes reference to and provides a specific housing target for all Selected Rural Villages apart from Great Bowden. Although it is understood that this approach was adopted due to the scale of previous development permitted in the village, the Plan fails to make any reference to why this decision was taken. Furthermore, Policy H1 only makes reference to the Rural Centres of Billesdon, Fleckney, Great Glen and Houghton on the Hill as having housing targets. The wording adopted under Policy GD2 Part 1(a) would therefore prohibit 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of' Great Bowden, Husbands Bosworth, The Kibworths and Ullesthorpe.

However, Barwood Homes supports the approach to separate reference to 'previously developed land which is not of high environmental value' within GD2(Part 2), thus meaning that such development is not subject to criteria (a-d) of GD2 Part 1. This approach would allow the development of appropriate previously developed land to come forward within all settlements. However, it is considered that this approach needs to be made clearer within the policy, as it is important and in accordance with national policy that LPAs 'encourage the effective use of land by reusing land that has been previously developed (brownfield land), provided that it is not of high environmental value.' This is established within the Core Planning Principles at para 17 of the NPPF.

H1 Provision of New Housing

As set out above, it is considered that Great Bowden should be identified as a Rural Centre and an appropriate housing target assigned accordingly.

In any event, the relationship between Policy H1 and Policy GD2 needs to be addressed in accordance with the comments made above.

In so far as Policy H1 relates to the Policies Map and Inset Plans, Barwood Homes considers that there is no justification for omitting Bowden Sawmill from the limits to development for Great Bowden. As is evident from Figure 2 below, the site is intensively developed brownfield land that directly adjoins the settlement; the Harborough Local Plan limits to development should therefore be revised to include the site.

Finally, in reviewing the role of Great Bowden in the settlement hierarchy, the LPA should also have regard to the comments in the proceeding section below.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

GD2 clause 1a

Representation ID: 7337

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Barwood Homes

Agent: Marrons Planning

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Whilst this approach is not generally objected to, the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1(a) provides difficulty in determining applications for 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of...Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages' where the Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages in question do not have an identified target set out in Policy H1. There is no explanation of the approach to fact that there is no target for Great Bowden. Policy GD2 Part 1(a) would prohibit 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of' Great Bowden, Husbands Bosworth, The Kibworths and Ullesthorpe.

Full text:

These representations have been prepared on behalf of our client Barwood Homes Ltd in respect of its interest in Bowden Sawmill, north of Leicester Lane, Great Bowden. See attached document

The extent of our client's land interest is shown on the attached Site Location Plan.

SS1: Object
Great Bowden currently has Selected Rural Village status in the Harborough District Core Strategy (2011). This means that some level of development will be is likely to be directed to the village on a scale that reflects the size and character of the settlement. Selected Rural Villages have been identified on the basis of the presence of at least two of six relevant services (food shop, GP surgery, library, post office, primary school and pub).

Great Bowden currently has four of these Key Services; these are a Primary School (Great Bowden Academy Church of England Primary School, Gunnsbrook Close); two Pubs (The Shoulder of Mutton, The Green; The Red Lion Inn, Main Street); and Food Stores/Post Office (Bowden Stores, The Green - Fresh produce and Off License; Welton's, The Green - Post Office, Newsstand, Deli Counter and Tea Room (ATM located here too)).

The Settlement Profile for Great Bowden confirms that with 4 out of the 6 key services, it has the level of services to become upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre. Barwood Homes considers that the spatial strategy for the district should be amended so that Great Bowden is upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre.

GD2: Support and Object
Barwood Homes objects to the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1 (a) as it only seeks to support housing where 'it does not cumulatively with other proposals, significantly exceed the target for the delivery of new homes in Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages specified in Policy H1: Provision of New Housing.' Whilst this approach is not generally objected to, the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1(a) provides difficulty in determining applications for 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of...Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages' where the Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages in question do not have an identified target set out in Policy H1.
Policy H1 makes reference to and provides a specific housing target for all Selected Rural Villages apart from Great Bowden. Although it is understood that this approach was adopted due to the scale of previous development permitted in the village, the Plan fails to make any reference to why this decision was taken. Furthermore, Policy H1 only makes reference to the Rural Centres of Billesdon, Fleckney, Great Glen and Houghton on the Hill as having housing targets. The wording adopted under Policy GD2 Part 1(a) would therefore prohibit 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of' Great Bowden, Husbands Bosworth, The Kibworths and Ullesthorpe.

However, Barwood Homes supports the approach to separate reference to 'previously developed land which is not of high environmental value' within GD2(Part 2), thus meaning that such development is not subject to criteria (a-d) of GD2 Part 1. This approach would allow the development of appropriate previously developed land to come forward within all settlements. However, it is considered that this approach needs to be made clearer within the policy, as it is important and in accordance with national policy that LPAs 'encourage the effective use of land by reusing land that has been previously developed (brownfield land), provided that it is not of high environmental value.' This is established within the Core Planning Principles at para 17 of the NPPF.

H1 Provision of New Housing

As set out above, it is considered that Great Bowden should be identified as a Rural Centre and an appropriate housing target assigned accordingly.

In any event, the relationship between Policy H1 and Policy GD2 needs to be addressed in accordance with the comments made above.

In so far as Policy H1 relates to the Policies Map and Inset Plans, Barwood Homes considers that there is no justification for omitting Bowden Sawmill from the limits to development for Great Bowden. As is evident from Figure 2 below, the site is intensively developed brownfield land that directly adjoins the settlement; the Harborough Local Plan limits to development should therefore be revised to include the site.

Finally, in reviewing the role of Great Bowden in the settlement hierarchy, the LPA should also have regard to the comments in the proceeding section below.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

GD2 clause 2

Representation ID: 7338

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Barwood Homes

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

Barwood Homes supports the approach to separate reference to 'previously developed land which is not of high environmental value' within GD2(Part 2), thus meaning that such development is not subject to criteria (a-d) of GD2 Part 1. This approach would allow the development of appropriate previously developed land to come forward within all settlements. However, it is considered that this approach needs to be made clearer within the policy, as it is important and in accordance with national policy.

Full text:

These representations have been prepared on behalf of our client Barwood Homes Ltd in respect of its interest in Bowden Sawmill, north of Leicester Lane, Great Bowden. See attached document

The extent of our client's land interest is shown on the attached Site Location Plan.

SS1: Object
Great Bowden currently has Selected Rural Village status in the Harborough District Core Strategy (2011). This means that some level of development will be is likely to be directed to the village on a scale that reflects the size and character of the settlement. Selected Rural Villages have been identified on the basis of the presence of at least two of six relevant services (food shop, GP surgery, library, post office, primary school and pub).

Great Bowden currently has four of these Key Services; these are a Primary School (Great Bowden Academy Church of England Primary School, Gunnsbrook Close); two Pubs (The Shoulder of Mutton, The Green; The Red Lion Inn, Main Street); and Food Stores/Post Office (Bowden Stores, The Green - Fresh produce and Off License; Welton's, The Green - Post Office, Newsstand, Deli Counter and Tea Room (ATM located here too)).

The Settlement Profile for Great Bowden confirms that with 4 out of the 6 key services, it has the level of services to become upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre. Barwood Homes considers that the spatial strategy for the district should be amended so that Great Bowden is upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre.

GD2: Support and Object
Barwood Homes objects to the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1 (a) as it only seeks to support housing where 'it does not cumulatively with other proposals, significantly exceed the target for the delivery of new homes in Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages specified in Policy H1: Provision of New Housing.' Whilst this approach is not generally objected to, the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1(a) provides difficulty in determining applications for 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of...Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages' where the Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages in question do not have an identified target set out in Policy H1.
Policy H1 makes reference to and provides a specific housing target for all Selected Rural Villages apart from Great Bowden. Although it is understood that this approach was adopted due to the scale of previous development permitted in the village, the Plan fails to make any reference to why this decision was taken. Furthermore, Policy H1 only makes reference to the Rural Centres of Billesdon, Fleckney, Great Glen and Houghton on the Hill as having housing targets. The wording adopted under Policy GD2 Part 1(a) would therefore prohibit 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of' Great Bowden, Husbands Bosworth, The Kibworths and Ullesthorpe.

However, Barwood Homes supports the approach to separate reference to 'previously developed land which is not of high environmental value' within GD2(Part 2), thus meaning that such development is not subject to criteria (a-d) of GD2 Part 1. This approach would allow the development of appropriate previously developed land to come forward within all settlements. However, it is considered that this approach needs to be made clearer within the policy, as it is important and in accordance with national policy that LPAs 'encourage the effective use of land by reusing land that has been previously developed (brownfield land), provided that it is not of high environmental value.' This is established within the Core Planning Principles at para 17 of the NPPF.

H1 Provision of New Housing

As set out above, it is considered that Great Bowden should be identified as a Rural Centre and an appropriate housing target assigned accordingly.

In any event, the relationship between Policy H1 and Policy GD2 needs to be addressed in accordance with the comments made above.

In so far as Policy H1 relates to the Policies Map and Inset Plans, Barwood Homes considers that there is no justification for omitting Bowden Sawmill from the limits to development for Great Bowden. As is evident from Figure 2 below, the site is intensively developed brownfield land that directly adjoins the settlement; the Harborough Local Plan limits to development should therefore be revised to include the site.

Finally, in reviewing the role of Great Bowden in the settlement hierarchy, the LPA should also have regard to the comments in the proceeding section below.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

H1 Opening sentence

Representation ID: 7339

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Barwood Homes

Agent: Marrons Planning

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

it is considered that Great Bowden should be identified as a Rural Centre and an appropriate housing target assigned accordingly.
The relationship between Policy H1 and Policy GD2 needs to be addressed and explained in more detail.
In so far as Policy H1 relates to the Policies Map and Inset Plans, Barwood Homes considers that there is no justification for omitting Bowden Sawmill from the limits to development for Great Bowden. The site is intensively developed brownfield land that directly adjoins the settlement; the Harborough Local Plan limits to development should therefore be revised to include the site.

Full text:

These representations have been prepared on behalf of our client Barwood Homes Ltd in respect of its interest in Bowden Sawmill, north of Leicester Lane, Great Bowden. See attached document

The extent of our client's land interest is shown on the attached Site Location Plan.

SS1: Object
Great Bowden currently has Selected Rural Village status in the Harborough District Core Strategy (2011). This means that some level of development will be is likely to be directed to the village on a scale that reflects the size and character of the settlement. Selected Rural Villages have been identified on the basis of the presence of at least two of six relevant services (food shop, GP surgery, library, post office, primary school and pub).

Great Bowden currently has four of these Key Services; these are a Primary School (Great Bowden Academy Church of England Primary School, Gunnsbrook Close); two Pubs (The Shoulder of Mutton, The Green; The Red Lion Inn, Main Street); and Food Stores/Post Office (Bowden Stores, The Green - Fresh produce and Off License; Welton's, The Green - Post Office, Newsstand, Deli Counter and Tea Room (ATM located here too)).

The Settlement Profile for Great Bowden confirms that with 4 out of the 6 key services, it has the level of services to become upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre. Barwood Homes considers that the spatial strategy for the district should be amended so that Great Bowden is upgraded from a Selected Rural Village to a Rural Centre.

GD2: Support and Object
Barwood Homes objects to the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1 (a) as it only seeks to support housing where 'it does not cumulatively with other proposals, significantly exceed the target for the delivery of new homes in Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages specified in Policy H1: Provision of New Housing.' Whilst this approach is not generally objected to, the wording of Policy GD2 Part 1(a) provides difficulty in determining applications for 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of...Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages' where the Rural Centres and Selected Rural Villages in question do not have an identified target set out in Policy H1.
Policy H1 makes reference to and provides a specific housing target for all Selected Rural Villages apart from Great Bowden. Although it is understood that this approach was adopted due to the scale of previous development permitted in the village, the Plan fails to make any reference to why this decision was taken. Furthermore, Policy H1 only makes reference to the Rural Centres of Billesdon, Fleckney, Great Glen and Houghton on the Hill as having housing targets. The wording adopted under Policy GD2 Part 1(a) would therefore prohibit 'development within or contiguous with the existing or committed built up area of' Great Bowden, Husbands Bosworth, The Kibworths and Ullesthorpe.

However, Barwood Homes supports the approach to separate reference to 'previously developed land which is not of high environmental value' within GD2(Part 2), thus meaning that such development is not subject to criteria (a-d) of GD2 Part 1. This approach would allow the development of appropriate previously developed land to come forward within all settlements. However, it is considered that this approach needs to be made clearer within the policy, as it is important and in accordance with national policy that LPAs 'encourage the effective use of land by reusing land that has been previously developed (brownfield land), provided that it is not of high environmental value.' This is established within the Core Planning Principles at para 17 of the NPPF.

H1 Provision of New Housing

As set out above, it is considered that Great Bowden should be identified as a Rural Centre and an appropriate housing target assigned accordingly.

In any event, the relationship between Policy H1 and Policy GD2 needs to be addressed in accordance with the comments made above.

In so far as Policy H1 relates to the Policies Map and Inset Plans, Barwood Homes considers that there is no justification for omitting Bowden Sawmill from the limits to development for Great Bowden. As is evident from Figure 2 below, the site is intensively developed brownfield land that directly adjoins the settlement; the Harborough Local Plan limits to development should therefore be revised to include the site.

Finally, in reviewing the role of Great Bowden in the settlement hierarchy, the LPA should also have regard to the comments in the proceeding section below.

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