Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

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Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

2.1 Local Plan vision

Representation ID: 6338

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Air quality or light pollution will not be improved in Lutterworth; HGV and other vehicle traffic will not sufficiently be reduced from the proposals in L1; the proposed significance of Strategic distribution will contradict Key issue 3 and out-commuting will not be improved. See attachment for further detail.

Full text:

Air quality or light pollution will not be improved in Lutterworth; HGV and other vehicle traffic will not sufficiently be reduced from the proposals in L1; the proposed significance of Strategic distribution will contradict Key issue 3 and out-commuting will not be improved. See attachment for further detail.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

Objective 2. Employment

Representation ID: 6340

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Policy BE2 is not promoting sustainable growth through more jobs meeting local employment need; out-commuting will not decrease; such a high density of logistics in the area will deprive other employment opportunities in the region

Full text:

Policy BE2 is not promoting sustainable growth through more jobs meeting local employment need; out-commuting will not decrease; such a high density of logistics in the area will deprive other employment opportunities in the region


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

BE2 1c.

Representation ID: 6342

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Not Justified - if any non-strategic storage and distribution allocation was permitted, this policy constrains any potential benefit that may result from the development, specifically "logistics academies". Specifically limiting the scale of such a site as "proportion in scale" is restrictive.

Full text:

Not Justified - if any non-strategic storage and distribution allocation was permitted, this policy constrains any potential benefit that may result from the development, specifically "logistics academies". Specifically limiting the scale of such a site as "proportion in scale" is restrictive.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

BE2 clause 2

Representation ID: 6343

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

It is not positively prepared to allocate B8 based on exactly the same floorspace as two outstanding planning applications.

Full text:

It is not positively prepared to allocate B8 based on exactly the same floorspace as two outstanding planning applications


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

BE2 2b.

Representation ID: 6344

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Not Justified - what evidence is within the supporting information to demonstrate that Magna Park expansion will not have an adverse impact on further SRFIs? Prologis at DIRFT III had already objected to 15/01531/OUT on grounds of market saturation risk

Full text:

Not Justified - what evidence is within the supporting information to demonstrate that Magna Park expansion will not have an adverse impact on further SRFIs? Prologis at DIRFT III had already objected to 15/01531/OUT on grounds of market saturation risk


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

BE2 2c.

Representation ID: 6345

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Not justified - if the Local Plan's aim is to enhance the skilled worker based within HDC, Magna Park is not necessarily going to achieve this based on the profile of logisitics workers alone. Less than 20% are managerial, and 74% are "essential / basic" jobs (National Skills Survey referenced in IDI Gazeley 15/01531/OUT ADDITIONAL INFO -UPDATE TO ES CH5 - SOCIO-ECONOMIC EFFECTS 731431). This does not align with the profile of employment in Leicestershire, with 53% of employment at managerial or professional level (LLEP SDSS 2016).

Full text:

Not justified - if the Local Plan's aim is to enhance the skilled worker based within HDC, Magna Park is not necessarily going to achieve this based on the profile of logisitics workers alone. Less than 20% are managerial, and 74% are "essential / basic" jobs (National Skills Survey referenced in IDI Gazeley 15/01531/OUT ADDITIONAL INFO -UPDATE TO ES CH5 - SOCIO-ECONOMIC EFFECTS 731431). This does not align with the profile of employment in Leicestershire, with 53% of employment at managerial or professional level (LLEP SDSS 2016).


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

BE2 2d.

Representation ID: 6346

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Not positively prepared or Justified - there is no evidence to say that an increase in proportion of the workforce will come from Harborough District, with 81% of the existing Magna Park workforce coming from outside LE postcodes ((IDI Gazeley, 15/01531/OUT ADDITIONAL INFO-UPDATE TO ES CH5-SOCIO-ECONOMIC EFFECTS 6th JULY 2017). The HEDNA study suggests 79% of Magna Park employees do not live in the Harborough District. The 2017 Sustainability Appraisal suggests that up to 400,000sqm and 700,000sqm could reduce out-commuting but provides no evidence to suggest how or why.

Full text:

Not positively prepared or Justified - there is no evidence to say that an increase in proportion of the workforce will come from Harborough District, with 81% of the existing Magna Park workforce coming from outside LE postcodes ((IDI Gazeley, 15/01531/OUT ADDITIONAL INFO-UPDATE TO ES CH5-SOCIO-ECONOMIC EFFECTS 6th JULY 2017). The HEDNA study suggests 79% of Magna Park employees do not live in the Harborough District. The 2017 Sustainability Appraisal suggests that up to 400,000sqm and 700,000sqm could reduce out-commuting but provides no evidence to suggest how or why.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

BE2 2e.

Representation ID: 6347

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Not justified or effective - what is the definition of "severe" as traffic assessments of the proposed Magna Par applications use different definitions of severe (Guidelines for the Environmental Assessment of Road Traffic by the Institute of Environmental Assessment or the Department for Transport, DBSymmetry LLITM 15/00865/OUT-ADDITIONAL INFORMATION-APPENDIX 4-ADDENDUM NOTE 590751, February 2016)

Full text:

Not justified or effective - what is the definition of "severe" as traffic assessments of the proposed Magna Par applications use different definitions of severe (Guidelines for the Environmental Assessment of Road Traffic by the Institute of Environmental Assessment or the Department for Transport, DBSymmetry LLITM 15/00865/OUT-ADDITIONAL INFORMATION-APPENDIX 4-ADDENDUM NOTE 590751, February 2016)


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

6.3.1 to 6.3.6 BE2 Explanation

Representation ID: 6348

Received: 02/11/2017

Respondent: Magna Park is Big Enough

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The need has not been identified to be focussed at such high density in one area; there is no evidence to justify the correlation between housing allocation and B8 allocation; a sustainable reduction in out-commuting simply will not be achieved.

Full text:

The need has not been identified to be focussed at such high density in one area; there is no evidence to justify the correlation between housing allocation and B8 allocation; a sustainable reduction in out-commuting simply will not be achieved

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