Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

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Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

H5 1c

Representation ID: 6685

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

RT4 3c.

Representation ID: 6686

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we consider it unnecessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

RT1 3a.vi.

Representation ID: 6695

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

RT1 3b.iv.

Representation ID: 6696

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

GI4 clause 2

Representation ID: 6697

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

CC4 clause 1

Representation ID: 6698

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

IN4 Clause 1

Representation ID: 6699

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

MH1 1i.

Representation ID: 6700

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure undertaken and indicates a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable development of this site.

No objection to the principle of development of site. Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services), requiring applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the policies are intended to be read as a whole, not considered necessary to duplicate these requirements in site specific policy.

Support reference to an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

MH2 1h.

Representation ID: 6704

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Initial assessment of the implications of site for our existing infrastructure undertaken and indicates a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

No objection to the principle of development of site. Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) requiring applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Local plan policies intended to be read as a whole therefore not necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Reference to an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace supported.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

MH3 1e.

Representation ID: 6708

Received: 13/11/2017

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Initial assessment of the implications of site for our existing infrastructure undertaken and indicates a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

No objection to the principle of development of site. Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) requiring applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Local plan policies intended to be read as a whole therefore not necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Reference to an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace supported.

Full text:

Policy H5: Housing density, mix and standards (page 67) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy H5 refers to new housing being designed to meet the optional water efficiency standard (110 litres/per person/per day).

The Environment Agency in their document entitled 'Water Stressed Areas Final Classification (2013)' has advised the Secretary of State that the areas classified as 'Serious' in the final classification table should be designated as 'Areas of serious water stress'. The Anglian Water company area is considered to be such an area. Anglian Water is the water undertaker for part of Harborough District.

Therefore we would support the optional water efficiency standard being applied within Harborough District.

RT1: Provision of new retail uses (page 94) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Market Harborough Allocations: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for retail uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

RT4: Tourism and leisure (page 106) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Land off St Mary's Road, Market Harborough: We have no objection to the principle of development of the allocation of the Market Harborough sites for leisure, entertainment and tourism uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development. Similarly policy CC4 requires the use of SUDs on major development sites.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

Policy GI5: Local Green Spaces (page 130) - legally compliant, unsound (justified, effective), compliant with duty to co-operate

The Local Green Space Designation is restrictive in that it significantly limits development which can come forward within the designated land.

There are existing sewers in Anglian Water's ownership within the designated local green space for Medbourne as identified on the Policies Map. Our concern is that the policy as drafted does not allow for development to enable continuing operation of existing water recycling infrastructure to serve our customers.

It is therefore proposed that the wording of the second paragraph of the policy be amended as follows:

'The construction of new buildings....Local Green Space. Utility infrastructure where the benefits override the potential impact on the designation'

Policy CC4: Sustainable Drainage (page 143) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement for major developments to provide Sustainable Drainage Systems which will help to address sewer flooding and surface water flooding.
e capacity to support and meet all the requirements District
Policy IN4: Water resources and services (page 158) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Policy IN4 refers to development being permitted where it has access to an adequate water supply to the support the development and is supported. Similarly Anglian Water is supportive of the requirement that planning permission will only be granted where it can be demonstrated that adequate foul water treatment and disposal already exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

Policy MH1: Overstone Park (page 175) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH2: East of Blackberry Grange (page 178) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH3: Burnhill Farm (page 181) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

Anglian Water has made an initial assessment of the implications of this site for our existing infrastructure and considers that there is a need for foul sewerage network improvements to enable the development of this site.

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for mixed uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to the an integrated approach to surface water drainage and multi functional greenspace which is supported.

Policy MH4: Land at Airfield Farm (page 183) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH5: Airfield Business Park (page 186) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

Policy MH6: Airfield Business Park (page 189) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

K1 Land south and west of Priory Business Park (page 215) - legally compliant, sound, compliant with duty to co-operate

We have no objection to the principle of development of this site for employment uses. The Submission Local Plan includes Policy IN4 (Water resources and services) which requires applicants to demonstrate that foulwater treatment and disposal exists or can be provided in time to serve the development.

As the Local plan policies are intended to be read as a whole we do not consider that it is necessary to duplicate these requirements in this site specific policy.

This policy refers to an integrated approach to provision of SuDs and flood mitigation which is supported.

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