Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission
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Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission
8.3.1 to 8.3.2 Explanation
Representation ID: 5341
Received: 22/09/2017
Respondent: The Theatres Trust
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Despite culture being included in Objective 13 of the draft Local Plan, the promotion of culture is not clearly reflected in any of the relevant draft policies.
In the NPPF, Paragraph 70 states that in 'promoting healthy communities', planning decisions should 'plan positively for cultural buildings' and 'guard against the loss of cultural facilities and services.' In addition, Paragraph 156 directs local planning authorities to ensure their local plan includes cultural policies that reflect the NPPF.
Despite culture being included in Objective 13 of the draft Local Plan, the promotion of culture is not clearly reflected in any of the relevant draft policies.
In the NPPF, Paragraph 70 states that in 'promoting healthy communities', planning decisions should 'plan positively for cultural buildings' and 'guard against the loss of cultural facilities and services.' In addition, Paragraph 156 directs local planning authorities to ensure their local plan includes cultural policies that reflect the NPPF.
Culture and the creative industries play a key role in developing vibrant town and village centres, which are the economic and social heart of sustainable communities. Culture and cultural activity helps develop a sense of place and is what makes communities unique and special.
Local plans should therefore support arts and culture at all levels to support the local economy and ensure that all residents and visitors, and future generations, have access to cultural opportunities. Policies should protect, support and enhance cultural facilities and activities, particularly those which might otherwise be traded in for more commercially lucrative developments, and promote cultural led development as a catalyst for regeneration in town centres.