Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

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Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

GD6 Clause 1a

Representation ID: 5790

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: FLECKNEY Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? Yes

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The Areas of Separation designated and shown on the Policies Map should include the area of land between the Fleckney Parish boundary to the south-east of the Village and the built area of Saddington Village because of its importance to both settlements.

Full text:

The Areas of Separation designated and shown on the Policies Map should include the area of land between the Fleckney Parish boundary to the south-east of the Village and the built area of Saddington Village because of its importance to both settlements.

This section of the Plan sets out the policy where there is a potential risk of new development resulting in the coalescence of settlements and the establishment of areas of separation to ensure that development does not harmfully reduce the separation between settlements.

Notwithstanding that reference is made to 'Other Areas of Separation may be added by future neighbourhood plans' it is the Parish Council's view that the area of land between the parish boundary to the south-east of the Village and the built area of Saddington Village, because of its importance to both settlements, should be designated as an area of separation.

The designation of this area as an area of separation is necessary in order to prevent harmful development extending in to the open countryside and prevent merging of the two settlements to ensure that the identity and distinctiveness of both settlements is maintained as well as their landscape setting, built environment and the views across open countryside.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

GD6 clause 1b

Representation ID: 5791

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: FLECKNEY Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? Yes

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The Areas of Separation designated and shown on the Policies Map should include the area of land between the Fleckney Parish boundary to the south-east of the Village and the built area of Saddington Village because of its importance to both settlements.

Full text:

The Areas of Separation designated and shown on the Policies Map should include the area of land between the Fleckney Parish boundary to the south-east of the Village and the built area of Saddington Village because of its importance to both settlements.

This section of the Plan sets out the policy where there is a potential risk of new development resulting in the coalescence of settlements and the establishment of areas of separation to ensure that development does not harmfully reduce the separation between settlements.

Notwithstanding that reference is made to 'Other Areas of Separation may be added by future neighbourhood plans' it is the Parish Council's view that the area of land between the parish boundary to the south-east of the Village and the built area of Saddington Village, because of its importance to both settlements, should be designated as an area of separation.

The designation of this area as an area of separation is necessary in order to prevent harmful development extending in to the open countryside and prevent merging of the two settlements to ensure that the identity and distinctiveness of both settlements is maintained as well as their landscape setting, built environment and the views across open countryside.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

H1 clause 4 Fleckney

Representation ID: 5792

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: FLECKNEY Parish Council

Representation Summary:

That the allocation of development sites is made through the neighbourhood planning process rather than the Local Plan.

Full text:

Whilst the Parish Council is not opposed to the provision of a minimum of 295 new homes over the plan period to 2031 and the specific allocation of 130 homes on the site off Arnesby Road it nevertheless wishes to record that Fleckney Parish has been designated as a Neighbourhood Plan Area and that work has begun on the preparation of the Fleckney Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan will allocate sites for housing development following the rigorous appraisal of individual sites against clearly defined criteria.

The Parish Council wish to work constructively with the District Council to ensure that the allocation of development sites is made through the neighbourhood planning process rather than the Local Plan.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

H1 clause 4a - Arnesby Rd Fleckney

Representation ID: 5793

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: FLECKNEY Parish Council

Representation Summary:

That the allocation of development sites is made through the neighbourhood planning process rather than the Local Plan.

Full text:

Whilst the Parish Council is not opposed to the provision of a minimum of 295 new homes over the plan period to 2031 and the specific allocation of 130 homes on the site off Arnesby Road it nevertheless wishes to record that Fleckney Parish has been designated as a Neighbourhood Plan Area and that work has begun on the preparation of the Fleckney Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan will allocate sites for housing development following the rigorous appraisal of individual sites against clearly defined criteria.

The Parish Council wish to work constructively with the District Council to ensure that the allocation of development sites is made through the neighbourhood planning process rather than the Local Plan.

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