Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

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Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

MH1 Clause 1

Representation ID: 7238

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Kettering Borough Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

KBC doesn't consider that the site is a suitable location for residential development of the scale proposed for following reasons:
- adverse wider landscape impacts associated with the scheme which could not be effectively mitigated against.
- doesn't constitute sustainable development, due to open countryside location and remoteness from Market Harborough town centre
- significant negative impact on the landscape.
Sustainability Appraisal noted. For this site 'Landscape capacity to change' identified as high and scored as 'promotes sustainable growth'. KBC disagrees with this assessment. Site is in a highly visible location which would have adverse impacts on the wider landscape.

Full text:

Kettering Borough Council would like to make the following comments on the consultation on the Harborough Local Plan 2011 - 2031 Proposed Submission. This is an officer response to the consultation.

Site MH1 - Overstone Park

Kettering Borough Council objected to the outline planning application reference 15/02006/OUT for this site. The Council would like to reiterate the concerns it raised through this objection. The Council does not consider that the site is a suitable location for residential development of the scale proposed. There would undoubtedly be adverse wider landscape impacts associated with the scheme which could not be effectively mitigated against. The proposals, by virtue of the site's open countryside location and remote position relative to Market Harborough's town centre are not considered to constitute sustainable development and raise concerns in terms of the significant negative impact of development on the landscape.
It is noted that this site has been assessed against other alternatives through the Sustainability Appraisal and that this is one of three sites which have been selected as performing most favourably against the assessment criteria.

In the assessment for this site 'Landscape capacity to change' has been identified as high and scored as 'promotes sustainable growth'. The Council disagrees with this assessment. This site is located in a highly visible location which would have adverse impacts on the wider landscape.

Policy H6 - Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation and the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA)

Kettering Borough Council was consulted on the GTAA during its preparation but the Council has concerns about the outputs of the study. The GTAA identified that there were 52 unknown households where information was not available as to whether these households meet the planning definition. The GTAA identifies a need for up to 18 pitches for unknown households in the period to 2036; this is made up of new household formulation from a maximum of 52 households. Table B.8 of the Local Plan 2011-2031 identified the need to 2031 on unknown pitches as 13.

It is recognised that Policy H6 includes a site for 10 pitches as a reserve site to meet needs arising from any changes to the definition of Gypsy and Travellers or to meet needs of the identified 'unknown' Gypsy and Traveller population. The principle of including a reserve site is supported.

However, the Council is concerned that there is a significant level of potential need which is unknown at this stage. The Council is concerned that there is potential for there to be more need than sites identified. Given the cross boundary issues between Harborough, Kettering and Daventry Districts, the Council want to ensure that any need which is generated from households within Harborough is fairly represented and provision of pitches to meet need is identified within Harborough District through this Local Plan, and that families are then not required to find sites within neighbouring districts to meet a site shortfall.

Thank you for consulting Kettering Borough Council on this document.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

5.11.5 to 5.11.7 Explanation

Representation ID: 7241

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Kettering Borough Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

KBC was consulted on the GTAA, but the Council has concerns about its outputs. Specifically that there is a significant level of potential need which is unknown at this stage, and that need could be greater than identified sites.
Given the cross boundary issues between Harborough, Kettering and Daventry Districts, KBC want to ensure that any need which is generated from households within Harborough is fairly represented and provision to meet need is identified within Harborough District through this Local Plan, and that families are then not required to find sites within neighbouring districts to meet a site shortfall.

Full text:

Kettering Borough Council would like to make the following comments on the consultation on the Harborough Local Plan 2011 - 2031 Proposed Submission. This is an officer response to the consultation.

Site MH1 - Overstone Park

Kettering Borough Council objected to the outline planning application reference 15/02006/OUT for this site. The Council would like to reiterate the concerns it raised through this objection. The Council does not consider that the site is a suitable location for residential development of the scale proposed. There would undoubtedly be adverse wider landscape impacts associated with the scheme which could not be effectively mitigated against. The proposals, by virtue of the site's open countryside location and remote position relative to Market Harborough's town centre are not considered to constitute sustainable development and raise concerns in terms of the significant negative impact of development on the landscape.
It is noted that this site has been assessed against other alternatives through the Sustainability Appraisal and that this is one of three sites which have been selected as performing most favourably against the assessment criteria.

In the assessment for this site 'Landscape capacity to change' has been identified as high and scored as 'promotes sustainable growth'. The Council disagrees with this assessment. This site is located in a highly visible location which would have adverse impacts on the wider landscape.

Policy H6 - Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation and the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA)

Kettering Borough Council was consulted on the GTAA during its preparation but the Council has concerns about the outputs of the study. The GTAA identified that there were 52 unknown households where information was not available as to whether these households meet the planning definition. The GTAA identifies a need for up to 18 pitches for unknown households in the period to 2036; this is made up of new household formulation from a maximum of 52 households. Table B.8 of the Local Plan 2011-2031 identified the need to 2031 on unknown pitches as 13.

It is recognised that Policy H6 includes a site for 10 pitches as a reserve site to meet needs arising from any changes to the definition of Gypsy and Travellers or to meet needs of the identified 'unknown' Gypsy and Traveller population. The principle of including a reserve site is supported.

However, the Council is concerned that there is a significant level of potential need which is unknown at this stage. The Council is concerned that there is potential for there to be more need than sites identified. Given the cross boundary issues between Harborough, Kettering and Daventry Districts, the Council want to ensure that any need which is generated from households within Harborough is fairly represented and provision of pitches to meet need is identified within Harborough District through this Local Plan, and that families are then not required to find sites within neighbouring districts to meet a site shortfall.

Thank you for consulting Kettering Borough Council on this document.


Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

H6 2c.

Representation ID: 7242

Received: 17/11/2017

Respondent: Kettering Borough Council

Representation Summary:

It is recognised that Policy H6 includes a site for 10 pitches as a reserve site to meet needs arising from any changes to the definition of Gypsy and Travellers or to meet needs of the identified 'unknown' Gypsy and Traveller population. The principle of including a reserve site is supported.

Full text:

Kettering Borough Council would like to make the following comments on the consultation on the Harborough Local Plan 2011 - 2031 Proposed Submission. This is an officer response to the consultation.

Site MH1 - Overstone Park

Kettering Borough Council objected to the outline planning application reference 15/02006/OUT for this site. The Council would like to reiterate the concerns it raised through this objection. The Council does not consider that the site is a suitable location for residential development of the scale proposed. There would undoubtedly be adverse wider landscape impacts associated with the scheme which could not be effectively mitigated against. The proposals, by virtue of the site's open countryside location and remote position relative to Market Harborough's town centre are not considered to constitute sustainable development and raise concerns in terms of the significant negative impact of development on the landscape.
It is noted that this site has been assessed against other alternatives through the Sustainability Appraisal and that this is one of three sites which have been selected as performing most favourably against the assessment criteria.

In the assessment for this site 'Landscape capacity to change' has been identified as high and scored as 'promotes sustainable growth'. The Council disagrees with this assessment. This site is located in a highly visible location which would have adverse impacts on the wider landscape.

Policy H6 - Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation and the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA)

Kettering Borough Council was consulted on the GTAA during its preparation but the Council has concerns about the outputs of the study. The GTAA identified that there were 52 unknown households where information was not available as to whether these households meet the planning definition. The GTAA identifies a need for up to 18 pitches for unknown households in the period to 2036; this is made up of new household formulation from a maximum of 52 households. Table B.8 of the Local Plan 2011-2031 identified the need to 2031 on unknown pitches as 13.

It is recognised that Policy H6 includes a site for 10 pitches as a reserve site to meet needs arising from any changes to the definition of Gypsy and Travellers or to meet needs of the identified 'unknown' Gypsy and Traveller population. The principle of including a reserve site is supported.

However, the Council is concerned that there is a significant level of potential need which is unknown at this stage. The Council is concerned that there is potential for there to be more need than sites identified. Given the cross boundary issues between Harborough, Kettering and Daventry Districts, the Council want to ensure that any need which is generated from households within Harborough is fairly represented and provision of pitches to meet need is identified within Harborough District through this Local Plan, and that families are then not required to find sites within neighbouring districts to meet a site shortfall.

Thank you for consulting Kettering Borough Council on this document.

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