Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

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Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031, Proposed Submission

L1 clause 1

Representation ID: 7318

Received: 23/10/2017

Respondent: Highways England

Representation Summary:

Due to its proximity to M1 J20, we consider that there would be significant impacts upon the operation of the junction. Initial traffic model sensitivity tests indicate that M1 J20 would reach capacity before the site (to the scale up to the end of the plan period) is built out.

HE is aware of a scheme which includes signalisation at M1 J20, A4303/A426 Frank Whittle signalised cross­ roads and proposed signalised site accesses on the A4304. We consider that these improvements are likely to be suitable, but the interaction of M1 J20 with the adjacent junctions will need to be closely monitored and carefully designed. A risk that if not suitably coordinated then potential blocking issues at the exit arms could impact the operation of M1 J20.
HE keen to maintain close engagement with LCC and HDC in the development of this scheme.

Full text:


Highways England welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposed submission version of the Harborough Local Plan which covers the period 2011-2031 and has been produced for public consultation.

Highways England has been appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport as strategic highway company under the provisions of the Infrastructure Act 2015 and is the highway authority, traffic authority and street authority for the Strategic Road Network (SRN). It is our role to maintain the safe and efficient operation of the SRN whilst acting as a delivery partner to national economic growth. In respect of the Harborough Local Plan our principal interest is safeguarding the operation of the M1 which routes through the west of the district, a small section of the A14 which routes through the south-west corner and the A5 which borders the boundary of Plan area to the west.

We understand that a total of 4,660 dwellings have been allocated to be delivered across Harborough over the Local Plan period up to 2031. Of this allocation it is noted that 1,500 dwellings have been allocated to the Lutterworth SDA and 1,140 dwellings to Market Harborough over two sites. Due to the proximity of the Lutterworth SDA to M1 J20, we consider that there would be significant impacts upon the operation of the junction. Indeed, initial traffic model sensitivity tests indicate that M1 J20 would reach capacity before the site (to the scale up to the end of the plan period) is built out.

Highways England is aware of a scheme that has been put forward by the Council which includes signalisation at M1 J20, A4303/A426 Frank Whittle signalised cross­ roads and proposed signalised site accesses on the A4304. We consider that the proposed highway improvements are likely to be suitable, but the interaction with the motorway junction and the adjacent junctions will need to be closely monitored and carefully designed. There is a risk that if the junctions are not suitably coordinated then there could be potential blocking issues at the exit arms could impact the operation of M1 J20.

Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford GU1 4LZ
Highways England Company Limited registered in England and Wales number 09346363


We are keen to maintain close engagement with Leicestershire County Council and Harborough District Council in the development of this scheme.

We have no further comments to provide but will continue to engage with Harborough District Council as both the Local Plan and Lutterworth SDA plans progress.

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