
Bitteswell Conservation Area

Representation ID: 8578

Received: 05/12/2022

Respondent: Mr Iain Mcalister

Agent: Grangers Land & New Homes Ltd

Representation Summary:

(a)The following comments are made in connection with reference to national policy considerations
contained in the current National Planning Policy Guidance, adding to the points made in the BCAA
document to adopting a positive approach to development in the BCA:
1. Plans should set out a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic
environment (HE Conservation Area Advice Note 2019)
2. This is considered in the NPPF (para 206) Local planning authorities should look for
opportunities for new development within Conservation Areas to enhance or better reveal
their significance. Proposals that preserve those elements of the setting that make a positive
contribution to the asset (or which better reveal its significance) should be treated favourably.
(b) Given the BCCA document also acknowledges in paragraph 10.8 that “As a result of historical
development of the settlement there is a diverse mix of buildings and building materials with no
common architectural theme” within the settlement, the comments below suggest additional
guidance to add into the Management Plan (Section 10) in the BCAA document, particularly to reflect
the statutory duties and policy considerations identified in Section 3 of the BCAA document, which
provides sustaining and enhancing the character of the conservation area into the future will depend
on proper management of the existing heritage assets, on care in the design of new development,
including alterations and additions to existing buildings, and on taking opportunities for enhancement:
1. Consideration should be given to the following objectives relating to future development
within the settlement with the aim of supplementing development plan policies on
Conservation Areas
The scale, form, massing and detailed design of new buildings should respect and
harmonise with the key characteristics and appearance of the area. All building proposals
(extensions and new) should meet the requirements of the relevant local plan policies
concerning alterations, heritage assets and new development affecting heritage assets;
New buildings should respect the character, constraints and opportunities of the site and
surrounding area, whilst not discouraging innovative designs in appropriate locations;
Proposals for alterations to traditional buildings should respect the character and
appearance of the building, neighbouring properties and the conservation area;
All proposals for new development (including alterations and extensions) should reflect
the use of consistent materials in the area. Consideration will be given to the imposition
of Article 4 directions to secure preservation of original features;
The proper repair of traditional buildings will be encouraged by providing specialist advice
and support.
2. It is important that the detailed design and the selection of materials in new development
proposals should take the opportunity to contribute to or enhance the character and
appearance of the area, given that sections 1.2 and 10.8 in the BCAA document notes the
development of the settlement has resulted in a diversity of building styles and materials and
as such there is no clear template for new development in terms of architectural style,
materials or massing;
3. Careful use of material palettes for new buildings and the use of high-quality materials and
high-level craft in their application will also help to enhance the character and appearance of
the conservation area.