Call For Sites 2024

Ends on 31 December 2024 (70 days remaining)


Welcome to the Harborough District Council Call for Sites, open between 16 January and 27 February 2024.

Site details will inform an update to the 2021 Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). The SHELAA is a basic capacity assessment only and therefore please do not provide promotional brochures, detailed reports or commission new supporting evidence.

Please do not submit sites which were previously submitted for assessment in 2021, unless the extent of the site has significantly changed.

If you wish to provide significant new evidence of developability in relation to a previously assessed site, you do not need to resubmit all the site information, instead please email, quoting the site reference number as published in the 2021 Strategic Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).

For new site submissions, you will need to complete a separate form for each site that you wish to put forward for assessment.

Before you start please note that the following information will be required:

  • landowner contact details (if you are submitting land on behalf of a client)
  • site size (hectares) and location details
  • site map (plot this on the map in the form, or provide a map showing the site boundary in context, at minimum 1:1200 scale, with North arrow and a red line indicating its full extent, or attach a shape file)
  • site information such as any relevant planning history, current land uses, any known constraints and environmental or heritage designations
  • details of proposed uses and capacity
  • site availability and ownership details
  • potential site delivery timeframes

Further guidance is included within the online form.

To help with your completion of the Call for Sites online form, a list of the questions is available here for your reference and convenience. Please note, however, that all sites must be submitted through the online form. Word or PDF submissions will not be accepted.  

Once you have started a form, your progress will be saved automatically allowing you to complete it later. Any forms that have not been submitted can be accessed by going to 'My account' and selecting 'Drafts'.  

You can view and print your completed site submissions by going to 'My account' and selecting the 'Unprocessed' tab. A print button is available for each form submission.

Submit your site

Click the pencil icon to the left to start submitting your site.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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